savoryjump's Bulletins


Posted 4 months, 6 days ago by savoryjump

As far as I know it's not really popular in America, but maybe some of you know about Eurovision. We finally have a selection of singers/group of singers who will participate in this program. And God, ahhh, I'm so happy that these two girls from Ukraine made it!!! Unfortunately, I don't know where to watch the selection of other countries, so I'm only telling you about the selection in my country. Anyway, I would be very interested to hear your opinion about the song of these two girls who passed!!!! The song has a very deep meaning, I will attach the lyrics in English in the comments. Also it would be great if you could send the performers of your favorite song of this Eurovision selection from your country!!!! 

Here's a link to the song!

Me and my friends were planning to visit Paris and were in full expectation to buy plane tickets, but my sister told me that it's very unsafe there now, one crime, lots of thefts and criminal stuff compared to other capitals of popular countries. This thought scared me a bit, so we started looking for other options. Maybe other cities in the same France, or going to Berlin / Stockholm / Prague in general. What would you recommend? Where do you think it would be best to go in general? And if anyone has been to Paris, is it really that unsafe? Thank you! (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

Ahh, gosh, watched the first Avatar movie in its entirety for the first time this week, and now I'm watching the second movie. I don't know if that's even possible, but the more I watch them, the more appealing they become to me. Their whole concept, their body structure, and they all have beautiful faces. Damn, how could one think of and create such a beautiful world, a marvelous planet. I don't know, I just decided to share it, because I haven't seen such beautiful movies for a long time. They seem to have it so simple. No one works for money, lol, every day they get their own food, they live their days on vacation, they walk, fly, fall in love carefree, everything seems so beautiful and incredible that it's still hard to realize that actually far away from our planet there is such a planet, with such humanoids. All in all, I fell in love with this movie. But I'm really tortured by the question, in general, do you think it's possible to love a humanoid? If aliens came to our planet tomorrow, and I found one of them attractive, would that be considered weird. Lmao, just got curious about your opinion on this question and the whole Avatar universe. Thinking of maybe drawing a character based on that universe again. Thanks to those who read! (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

I know it's a little late, but...Happy New Year!!! 

I wish you all a really wonderful 2024 and that you really do well, because everyone deserves it! 
I hope you will mobilize your energies to start doing the things you have been planning for a long time now. 
For example, I made it a condition to wake up no later than 9:30 every day (lol, yes, I know that's late for some :D), 
and you know, I feel more alive than when I wake up after 10:30! 
Anyway, let's at least this year really start doing the things that interest us, 
the things that are truly important and the things we've been unknowingly giving up or denying for so long! 
Happy New Year to all!

And now I'd like to summarize my own personal summaries for this year (and maybe for the previous year too (?)). 

This is the first time I'm doing this, so this bulletin will probably stay with me for the future, 
as a reminder of who I've been in the past and what kind of people have been with me since the beginning 
or just appeared in my life as an artist. 
First and foremost I want to say thank you to those who started or continue to support me artistically. 
You have no idea how important that is to me, though...I think essentially every artist, 
whether beginner or professional, realizes it's important. 
Your audience is one of the most important things to an artist. 
And even though I'm still very young in this field, even though I have ups and downs in drawing, 
but I also have my small audience, people who at least once every half a year visit my page and check out what I've drawn. 
Anyway, thank you guys so much for sticking with me!
To start with, my first accomplishment was that I sold my character for the first time for $450 exactly in 2023! 
That's a big deal for me, because that's a huge amount of money 
and I couldn't even think of making that much money from a single drawing back in 2022. 
You know, for me it's a clear indicator of how much my work is appreciated, 
how much my characters and their stories are loved.

The second accomplishment was that I feel I've improved at drawing characters. 
This is clearly noticeable when comparing my 2022 work to my 2023 work. 
I'll attach pictures of the full works below for comparison.
The third was that I finally got over 900 subscribers on DeviantArt, 
something I've been trying to accomplish for a year 
(the screen shot shows 888 because I like that number lol :o)
And the fourth is that I have gained over 400 subscribers on this wonderful platform! 
And people have really started to notice me around here! :D
I think this site has become more comfortable for me than DeviantArt, 

because I get so many comments on each of my character posts every time!

Aside from that, I had a person create a server for me in Discord 
where I try to regularly post something other than characters (artwork, and we also help each other there with drawing tips). 
I am very happy that there are at least 37 people who support me in every way possible!!!! 
If you want to join too, just to socialize etc, feel free to ask me for the invite link!! 
 It would be my pleasure if you suddenly have such a desire! ^^
Anyway, that's all I can remember so far! 
Thanks for reading this and once again Happy New Year!     