savoryjump's Bulletins

Sometimes I really think this is impossible. It feels like people who have more than 1000 subscribers are simply unreal. I ran insta for half a year (okay, maybe less), at some point I gained 200 subscribers and then my progress stopped completely (either insta stopped stupidly promoting my work, or no one visited it, although if you look to my works, then these works really are not so bad that no one likes them at all). In general, I don't know. Maybe it really was a bad idea to quit Instagram? 

Then I went away for 2 weeks and tried to post a new work, as there was no coverage on it at all. The same goes for subsequent works. I’m generally silent about Twitter. I certainly don’t understand any promotion algorithms there. It feels like Twitter just randomly selects people whose posts can be pushed to your feed. I also like the phrase that “Twitter doesn’t like hashtags, and that’s why you can’t get any likes or followers!!” Dude, I tried to post work without hashtags, but the results only got worse. I understand that popularity comes gradually and many achieve it over the years, but I’m just interested in hearing your experience from life, since from time to time I see accounts with more than 10,000 subscribers created just a year ago. This is crazy, man, haha ┐(‘~` )┌