stosna // side cast

Below you can find all side characters from the main canon StoSna universe!
You can filter them per generation (2nd gen is hidden for now).

Family Members
2nd gen
All relatives from the cast.


2nd gen
All Northwind teachers and stuff.


2nd gen
All relevant pupils from the school.


2nd gen
All other StoSna characters

female stosna human sidecast need ref male art wanted humanoid pcc stosna family multi-oc-profile blackh prio2 demon kemonomimi stosna students prio1 bunnywishsnail blueh brownh purpleh mixedh blondeh pinkh gradienth neko gen2 myo greenh dont draw closedspecies dragon turquoiseh mage greyh stosna others redh yellowh kitsune fairy orangeh feline whiteh persona bunny vampire usagi archer stosna teachers