
The superpower world! It's a modern, slightly futuristic dystopian human society living in a magical world - so as a result, everyone has one or two neat powers.

In one part of this hellish world, some weird happenings have been brewing... Reports of mysterious, troublemaking individuals have been popping up all over the place. Rumor has it these guys are part of some big evil organization, but many dismiss it as conspiracy or panic. Stuff like that doesn't actually happen, right?!

Turns out, it kind of does! The organization does exist, but it isn't some big malevolent force like it's been made out to be. In actuality, it's the opposite - formed to help people out & bring attention to just how bad the higher-ups of this place actually are. Maybe even bring a stop to them... (People in this part of the world are generally aware that things are fucked, it's a common mindset, but not quite the whole extent of it.) The higher-ups don't like this, of course, & to deal with it they try to ruin this organizations image! According to government officials, this organization is the bad one, actually. It's painted as a big bad evil crime group - unrelated crimes are pinned on them, they're apparently spreading totally untrue lies about this place, the assistance they offer is false & untrustworthy, etc. How scary. 

The tables have turned! With this set up, everything seems to be going in the favor of those in power. The organization's reputation is smeared to hell & back, everyone's attention is on this case of mass organized crime...

But is this all really that simple?

The main dude Calvin lives in the suburbs, right between the middle of nowhere and the bustling cities. It's a shady part of town, but he usually manages to outrun trouble. Usually. 

Until it catches up to him.

On his way back home from a night shift at work, Calvin runs into some of the rumored mystery troublemakers, & gets stuck between a whole bunch of shady business. He gets involved with the totally-not-good organization, & their efforts to unravel all the real mysteries behind this mess, learning that things are far from what they seem to be.

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