squeakarooroo's Profile Comments

Psst, I know I'm three years late, but this is Miss Seaweed from G+. I found your TH link among a bunch of screenshots I had.

Lovely to see you again, Squeaks! Happy New Year! <3

Hi!!! omg I’m so sorry im so insanely late to reply to this, but I’m honestly so happy you remembered me, I hope your new year has been treating you well!!! 💕 

Heyo! And nono lol it's alright! I'm late too hahaha. But yeah! I saw your username and was like, smacked with a nostalgia truck, and so I decided it wouldn't hurt reaching out. :3 The new year has been great thus far! I only hope for the same and the best for you, Squeak! Lovely to see you again! <3 <3 <3

Super grateful you did!! Makes me so glad I didn’t rebrand here yet :,3c Absolutely lovely to see you again too!! Absolutely hoping for the best for you too, thank you again for reaching out, it means so much that you remembered me 💕

Yeah! And I'm so glad for it too! :'3 Aaaa you too! And thank you for taking the time to respond, and even for remembering me as well! I appreciate that a ton! <3 <3 <3 We should totally chat some time, discuss new and old ocs, or about anything else you'd like! I think that would be fun, and a good way to catch up some time, if you feel like it! :3

I would Absolutely love to! Honestly, anywhere other than toyhouse though if that’d be possible! I suck at checking here xwx” (sorry!!) But if you’d have a twitter, discord or insta you’d wanna talk on, i’d be more than happy to 🥹💖 

1 Replies

this is going to sound weird if you’re not them, but were you Squeakaroo roo on google+ in 2016?

Yes I was! :D

great! i was Crazilily back them as well. i dont know if you own this guy anymore but i remember drawing gift art of your cinnadog! the art is super old and i could totally do better now but if you want to add it to their gallery then go ahead!


i'm not sure if this was lost to you, but if it was... here it is again! :'D

Aaa Thank you so much!! I do still own Lolli, theyve had a special place in my heart 💖 I’ll plop this in his gallery!! Thank you so much!! 💖

Hello! This is Tokaliz, I believe you commissioned me an animation meme a while back? It's been quite a long time since I was given a very large commission right before yours and ended up losing contact with you on Discord. I couldn't find any place to contact you except here since you seem most active here. Please reach back out to me when you can so I can discuss your commission! My Discord user is Tokaliz#1876. Have a nice day!