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Psst, I know I'm three years late, but this is Miss Seaweed from G+. I found your TH link among a bunch of screenshots I had.

Lovely to see you again, Squeaks! Happy New Year! <3

Hi!!! omg I’m so sorry im so insanely late to reply to this, but I’m honestly so happy you remembered me, I hope your new year has been treating you well!!! 💕 

Heyo! And nono lol it's alright! I'm late too hahaha. But yeah! I saw your username and was like, smacked with a nostalgia truck, and so I decided it wouldn't hurt reaching out. :3 The new year has been great thus far! I only hope for the same and the best for you, Squeak! Lovely to see you again! <3 <3 <3

Super grateful you did!! Makes me so glad I didn’t rebrand here yet :,3c Absolutely lovely to see you again too!! Absolutely hoping for the best for you too, thank you again for reaching out, it means so much that you remembered me 💕

Yeah! And I'm so glad for it too! :'3 Aaaa you too! And thank you for taking the time to respond, and even for remembering me as well! I appreciate that a ton! <3 <3 <3 We should totally chat some time, discuss new and old ocs, or about anything else you'd like! I think that would be fun, and a good way to catch up some time, if you feel like it! :3

I would Absolutely love to! Honestly, anywhere other than toyhouse though if that’d be possible! I suck at checking here xwx” (sorry!!) But if you’d have a twitter, discord or insta you’d wanna talk on, i’d be more than happy to 🥹💖 

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