Frost blossom city

For SCS and SFA

Frost blossom is a new city on a newly discovered northern island. It’s exploded in popularity these past few months, it spans over all of Frost blossom island and is one of the largest cities in the world, tons of people travel there and everything is very fast. There are lots of expensive hotels and just living there is costly, but in a small area to the far north were it never gets above 20 degrees and summers are usually around 12 degrees it’s fairly affordable but the apartments are tiny and crammed. Frost blossom city is where you go to “make your dreams come true” one new thing that commonly owned by pet owners there that is much more costly off the island is the IPaw where pets can facetime eachother, get jobs and order food, there’s also games! This makes taking care of pets far less stressfull so many more people have cats and dogs, pretty much all places allow them.

feral feline humanoid pondfight canine eugene smol dcay anthro rise pondies stars alien cat human lion Humanoid smolbun rabbit ponfight