


A world created out of two elements called 'spyte' and 'lithe. Hidden underneath the crust of the planet hides the spyte. Tearing and eating its way up to the surface. While lithe made way for life to bloom on the crust, the Spyte started showing up. Many years ago it destroyed and harmed the creatures on the planet. Since then people have pushed the Spyte back to such a degree to make rise for civilization. As communities, cities and countries were built, so did guilds appear. Now the so-called adventures of these guilds are what keeps Lutaras and its people safe for the time being. For however long that might be…


. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.

. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.

. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.


Main Story

Work in progress
