threeninefour's Bulletins

a poll about profile lengths.......

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago by threeninefour

which do you prefer

3 Votes long profiles (with v detailed backstories and in depth information)
5 Votes short profiles (with about a paragraph of info, including likes/dislikes but also cool lil things like playlists and inventories n stuff)
6 Votes both / i dont care as long as it's pretty and nicely decorated

since ive been considering remaking my profiles to be super short and wanted to see peoples preferences!!! as much as i love in depth stuff its a lot of work >:0 plus heck, simplicity can be good i think! although i'm still deciding,,,,,,, (maybe ill do both and have a long profile in a tab,,,,hmmmmmhmmh)

crunching noises

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by threeninefour

imako > threeninefour

i changed my user! c8 (and i changed my user on ig to be the same thing!) who knows, i might change it next month. lemmie know if i have any broken links anywhere (please)
