a poll about profile lengths.......

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago by threeninefour

which do you prefer

3 Votes long profiles (with v detailed backstories and in depth information)
5 Votes short profiles (with about a paragraph of info, including likes/dislikes but also cool lil things like playlists and inventories n stuff)
6 Votes both / i dont care as long as it's pretty and nicely decorated

since ive been considering remaking my profiles to be super short and wanted to see peoples preferences!!! as much as i love in depth stuff its a lot of work >:0 plus heck, simplicity can be good i think! although i'm still deciding,,,,,,, (maybe ill do both and have a long profile in a tab,,,,hmmmmmhmmh)


i love short profiles what are "extended" into long ones. so i can get to know the character before geting into details. Sometimes i just want to learn about a character (to draw it or lm just curious)  but i don't feel like reading so this kind of setup lets me do that and it makes me more invested into the character itself. im planning to do this kinda thing with mine too.

OH DANG yeah thats a good point !!:o sometimes scrolling through a long profile to get to a ref can be a pain too xD especially on mobile