throwbugs's Bulletins

small update!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by throwbugs

hello! wanted to apologise for my lack of activity and replies as i was going through the last weeks of finals which was a little crazy and i needed to put most of my time into that! i most likely wont be very active until mid april as i have to work on a massive animated commission for our national TV as a part of a school project, these following months will be very crunch-heavy for us and i might not get the time to fully engage with social media. i am most likely not getting financially compensated for my work, so i will try my best to post adopts at least in small batches, though i don't know how realistic that is! i will work on commissions in small bits as i can't afford to spend a whole lot of time on them a day, but my goal is to progress on them as much as i can. either way, if you read all this, thank you very much and have a lovely day! i will try my best to remain active!

recent inactivity

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by throwbugs

hello! i wanted to apologise for my recent inactivity, i have been trying to survive through finals and had some very tight deadlines, which often left me with little time to work. school is also kind of killing me right now creatively and i am experiencing a major burnout to the point of feeling sick from even just holding a stylus. i'm trying my best to shake it off, but things might be slow. not being able to draw while you're dependant on your art both in terms of studies and in terms of finances is absolutely terrifying and i truly hope to be back to normal soon. thanks to everyone who read this, have a lovely day! <3