Sploonie time

Welcome to the colourful world of Splatoon! Here you can see all the freshest squids hanging out くコ:彡
Hiya, I'm Rose! Nice to see you around here~ I'd like to show you around if you want to tag along? ^w^

Vibe with us!


Ooh! Would you like to meet our band? We're the freshest band on the block, ready to fill everyone's world with joy and music!

Jelly Café
THIS. IS. my work place heheh BUT also my favorite place to go to as well! Would you like some pastries? oooooh or maybe a fresh Latte to boost your spirits!

Turf battles is a go to sport here, you can find the different teams down this way!

The NEW new Squidbeak Splatoon

pssst I'm not supposed to bring you here AT ALL-- So let's take a quick glance and then book it, kay?


Huh? wait a second is this a time portal?! Reader? WAIT NO---


I love my family! Let's go meet them! It seems that my friends' family is here as well!