Lalin Aurita



9 months, 24 days ago


Lalin Aurita

"Yawn... oh! I'm sorry did I roll my eyes too loud?"

Gender Female
Pronouns She/her
Age 20+
DoB 26th of July
Sign Leo
Species Moon Jellyfish
Height 152cm
Alignment Chaotic good
Occupation Drummer
Hometown Inkopolis
Lalin Aurita
where r the babies
Found em-- Aurelia wasn't crying for once-- it was confusing WHOOPSIE ;P
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Leading trait Ambitious
Biggest flaw Anxious

Design notes

  • Latina girl right here B)
  • The dome of her head has a faint glow!
  • She has a star beauty mark on her cheek to match with everyone of the band!
  • Crop tops thank you
  • When no crop tops then other cute styles huhu
  • Wears shoes that make her a bit taller

"WHOOPSIES~ I'm sorry Freckle face, that 'smoooth talking' you did there disgusted me so I threw this at you." -->Lalin to Finn after she threw a drumstick at his head when he tried to flirt with Yumi


Lalin was a bubbly and cheery child when she was a little jellyfish. She has a loving family and it kept growing over the years. Her older brothers Lua and Liu (they're twins) took care of her most of the time since her parents were working high end jobs and have a busy life. They're still trying to be at home as much as they can though. As soon as the family slowly grew with little baby Halo, Lalin felt her responsibilty grow as well. One sister then turned to two and then even three. She always did her best do what she's asked for and take care of her little sisters. She wanted to be a good example for all of them (and she feared that gosh darn chancla ;w;) Her brothers signed Lalin up for some swimming lessons and there she made some friends. They did this to have her go outside once in a while, they didn't want her to be responsible for the whole house. Once in a while they thought her the ins and out of music. That's what the jellyfish enjoyed the most.

Growing up

Years later, the Aurita family counted up to 11 members. Since the family has grown a bit (unlike Lalin's height), their home was getting quite small for everyone. Her parents, however, were prepared for this. They saved up for a long while, now being able to afford a bigger household just outside Inkopolis. (The family had to pull straws to see who would get which room, though Lalin suggested to get the smallest one) Lalin was in awe of her parents' achievements and swore she'd work just as hard. She doesn't want to dissapoint anyone. Her friends didn't understand why she was so worried most of the time. She had mostly everything she could ask for! Her parents gave her everything to make her happy! This made Lalin feel guilty though. She felt even worse when she found out most of her friends came by her house for all the luxury and not to hang out with her. During this time a certain manta ray was there for her. She slowly developed a crush on him.

Suddenly when Lalin was listening to a music playlist on shuffle she heard some Aquorean words. Huh? What was this? This sounds nice! This is how she fell inside the sea rabbit hole of doing research about more A-pop groups. After some digging she found this one group who didn't debut yet, Bangtan Ingkeu or BTI for short. She was very interested, watching the little vlogs they made before they were able to share their music with the world. One of the members caught her eye and she decides to support them as much as she could. She even begged her parents to send a letter she wrote to them all. As soon as they debuted she was hyped about all their songs and ever since she keeps playing music videos, stages and vlogs on the TV her family watching along once in a while.

Guppy love

Lalin decided to confess to her friend who supported her. He was so nice to her, he was so dreamy, he was so sweet and just an amazing person to be around. He accepted the jellyfish's feelings and they decided to date for a while. They were very happy and hung out a lot together. Though this fell short when he had to announce he'll move abroad. Lalin was stuck in a dilemma, either they had to start a long distance relationship or they had to break up. She didn't want to choose the latter, no way!

After a couple of months his messages seemed weird they didn't feel right. It made Lalin nervous. She was scrolling around one day and to her surprise she saw him on someone's page. What? He's.. Wait what? Why is he with someone else?.. This broke her heart, but her family was there for her to cheer her up and listen to her.

Following your dreams

Surprise Surprise there's another sibling on their way! This time Lalin's parents swore this would be the last addition to the family. Even though everyone gave a small sigh at that, they still loved the little baby to bits. Lalin felt a bit odd though. She listened to BTI as per usual in her room, looking out the window. What was she doing? She's supposed to work hard. One of her brother's was designing clothes, the other was teaching kids how to skate. What was she doing? Said brothers barged in her room with a poster they found "This band is holding auditions! They want a drummer! You should try it out Hermana!"

"h-huh-- I- mean I could also just find a REAL job and----"

But there she stood on the small stage in jelly café. Well-- it couldn't hurt to have some fun and play right? She drummed with so much passion and did it effortlessly. It surely impressed the others. After a couple of days, her brothers happily announced that they chose Lalin to be part of the band! Now Lalin is the drummer of the band called 'Don't Think, Ink!' or DTI for short. They jam out regularly at the café now, singing customers' song requests and even some of their originals. They swear that one day they'll get to be more famous, she makes sure that everyone enjoys the fresh beats she brings.

  • Someone huhuhu
  • The little corners in her home where she can rest
  • Playing drums
  • Taking care of her youngest sister (the baby)
  • Pressure
  • Ghosting/ being ghosted
  • The children waking up after she put them in bed ;w;
  • being called short
  • Babysitting at home
  • Making collages to hang up on her wall
  • following A-pop channels
  • Searches new DTI fashion
