Waltz's Bulletins

Emergency Resell Interest Check

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by Waltz

Update: So, the bad news is the insurance inspector looked at the car and yeah, it's totaled >< The good news is, the insurance is going to give us around $3k for the car, which is WAY more than I expected for a 23-year-old Honda xD It'll be a big help with the cost of a new car, so I'm not quite as frantic now, but (Update 2: They had to reevaluate some stuff when I signed over the title and it ended up being only $1800, BUT STILL) I'll continue to take interest on these for a little while anyway to give myself some more buffer, so, feel free to continue offers for now <3

- - -

So, my sister got into a car accident earlier today and, while she's mostly okay except some bruising, it seems that my car, one of our family's only two, may be completely wrecked. It was an old car, so we were looking to replace it soon anyway, but it's in pretty bad shape now.

Anyhow! I'm probably going to be in the market for a new car. I have just enough spare to cover a down payment, but I'll need to start covering monthly payments etc. So, I'm taking interest checks for resells on a bunch of my adopted kids:


Unuploaded Kids

Sales of any of these will not be FCFS, and are going to depend a bit on what happens with my money otherwise, but I want to see what interest is like. Those in the tag are the ones that I would be potentially willing to sell, so please don't ask about anything without the "money" tag!

I'll also be adding some more unuploaded things to my Sales Hub probably later this evening. Among the things I might be putting up for offer is an official Oto-chro, and also this Lunaith.

Also might take some offers on some MYO slots I've yet to design, including:

- Bookling (Medyo, common) [Cappuchi] $30 Pending)
- Dainty [Pajuxi] $35 sold
- Damur [Puru] $35 sold
- Lapiflora (sea bon) [yukibuns; only if designed first] $20 sold
- Selva Spirit [Piffi; must be designed first] $8
- Reflection [Piffi] $8
- Shadowmonster [Piffi] $38 sold

If you are interested in any of these, please comment below! It'll be easier for me to keep track of than PMs. I will let you know the price of any characters. Once I gauge interest and see what happens I will make decisions on what I'm selling.

Due to the nature of the situation I will not be accepting any holds of more than a day from anyone I haven't done business with before, and probably no payment plans! Though I will be open to some haggling. (and please no trade offers unless it's like, a Czylph aha <3)

Thanks for looking <3

Happy Valentine's, all! I made a post about this over on Twitter, but I'd love to ask here too!

Even if you're single for this year, just know that I love all of you! Let's share some love for our characters as well <3

In the spirit of the holiday of love and candy, I want to know all about your OTPs! Mutuals or no, I want to hear all about your favourite fictional couples. Which of your OC pairs make your heart sting or soar? Which canon couples rock your world? Why do you love them?

Let me hear all about it~

Random Reminder!

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago by Waltz

Just a random reminder for all, if I owe you anything at all, be it writing or art or even just a reply to a question, please feel free to message me about it at any time! I'm often busy and a bit of a scatterbrain, so things tend to slip my mind very easily.

I check TH more or less daily, so you can message me here, or if you're on Twitter, you can ping me @ petitscynes! Or if you have me on Discord feel free to hit me up there (or just add me in general if you feel like chatting! I'm Laiska#5138).

Happy holidays, all <3

I'm translating a light novel!

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by Waltz

Do you read light novels?

2 Votes Yes
6 Votes Sometimes
1 Votes Heavens no
1 Votes What are those?

Or, it would more accurate to say that I have been doing so for the past several weeks xD

The official license announcement for the series I've been contracted to translate for has finally been made, so I just wanted to share!


They won't be available for purchase until next summer, but I'm working on both the LN and the manga series. If anyone is curious for more details, feel free to poke me!

And that's my fun-time update! Hope you're all having an awesome day! :D

Fave Recipes Thread!

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by Waltz

Trying to get some cheery thoughts around the forums again, so I made a little thread for sharing recipes!

Come and drop a few if you have any to share :D


Mini Comms Open Again!

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by Waltz

Re-opening my doodle busts for a batch, $2 per!


Check in here and drop me a line if you're interested!:


Flash Doodle Requests! (closed)

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by Waltz

A friend of mine was super generous enough to give me their old graphics tablet! It works pretty well but I think I need some getting used to it, so I'm taking some quickie doodle requests, just for the next little while. It'll probably just be simple things like some uncoloured headshots, but we'll see!

Drop one or two refs below if you're interested!

Edit: This helped a bit, thanks guys! I might try and pick through some more of these tomorrow <3

Tablet Recommendations?

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago by Waltz

The cord on my Wacom Bamboo has finally given up the ghost! And it doesn't seem like I'll be able to repair it =/

Does anyone have recommendations for models/brands of graphics tablets that are decent and affordable?

I'm a fairly casual artist, so I don't need tilt or a million levels of sensitivity or such, just something that can get the job done for basic digital work, preferably <$100.

If such a thing exists, do let me know! Any info is appreciated <3

Two Scoops: Ice Cream and Romance!

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by Waltz

Hey hey! I just wanted to share the word with you guys about a project that I'm part of!

Two Scoops is a slice of life dating sim set at a small town ice cream shop, and we are now live on Kickstarter!

Please check out our page, and share with your friends if this sounds like your jam! <3

~ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1586864085/two-scoops-an-ice-cream-shop-dating-sim ~

RP Comfort Meme

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by Waltz
I've seen lots of people do this so I figured I should already! This particular version stolen and tweaked from stocking~
A valuable meme for any role-player!
Come display your comfort levels so your role-play partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time!
While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your role-play partners!
❤ - Preferred / Usual / Absolutely
 - Yes / Sometimes / I'm fine with this
- Not my preference but maybe
 - No, thank you / This isn't me
Terminal Italic - Various Comments!
Role Play Basics
I am comfortable doing:
- Comment 
- Chats 
- Notes 
- Forum 
- Skype 
- Google Docs
- Discord
I am comfortable with:
- One on one role plays. ❤
- Up to three people. 
- Up to four people. 
- Five or more people! 
- As big as possible!
Post Length
I usually write about:
- One or two sentences.  I usually match lengths with my partner(s), but I don't prefer to write this little unless there's nothing at all to say.
- One or two paragraphs. 
- Two to five paragraphs. 
- More than five paragraphs. 
- A few pages worth.
I am comfortable role-playing with people who write:
- One or two sentences.
- One or two paragraphs. 
- Two to five paragraphs. 
- More than five paragraphs. 
- A few pages worth. Yes but only with a small handful of people who I trust to write something worthwhile in that length.
Role-play Requests
I like getting requests from:
- Anyone and everyone at any time! 
- When I ask for role-plays. 
- From friends and acquaintances. 
- From friends only.
Romantic Relationships
** Important: Communication is the key to a real life relationship, it shouldn't be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance!
I am comfortable shipping my characters:
- Never. 
- Our character know each other deeply. 
- Our character know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player. 
- At the first sign of flirting! 
- Only if the role-player and I plan it. ❤
- It depends on the character. 
If you want to ship with my characters:
- Talk to me about it from the start. ❤
- Talk to me about it once our characters know each other. ✓
- Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other. 
- Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging. 
When shipping my characters, I like the romance to happen:
- Swift as lightening! 
- Fast, but not super fast. 
- Happens in about three months.
- Slow and steady wins the race.
- Slugs know what's up!
- My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen. ❤
When my characters gets intimate, I prefer:
- To skip the act entirely.  This entirely depends on my partner's comfort level, but I usually prefer to write at least a little build up!
- To write the build up, but skip the act.
- To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise skip it. 
- To write the act all the way through. 
Romantic Artwork
When it comes to artwork depicting our relationship please:
- Do not post it at all without talking to me. 
- Post it if it is cuddles and hugs. ❤
- Post it if it is kisses. ❤
- Post it if it is much more. ❤
- Do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts! 
- Do not post it where I can see it, but draw what you like! 
** Important: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit!!
When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:
- No violence at all!
- I'm fine with verbal arguments! 
- Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face. ✓ 
- Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling. 
- Violence, such as stabbings. 
- Beyond violence, such as torture and more. Anything goes tbh...
If you are going to do something violent, please:
- Don't do it at all. 
- Talk to me about it first. ❤
- Surprise me! Only if I trust your judgement and it suits the story.
Dramatic Artwork
- Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters. 
- Talk to me about it before posting!
- Post what you like! 
- Romance
- Horror 
- Drama 
- Fantasy ❤ 
- Sci-fi ❤ 
- Realism ✓ 
- Tragedy ❤
- Mythology 
- Fan fiction  Only for fandoms I'm super familiar with, which aren't many.
- Other 
- Males ❤ 
- Females ❤
- Other ❤ 
- Humans ❤
- Humanoids ❤
- Anthros
- Creatures (non- humanoids)  
- Animals 
- Other