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Yeah, I do!! I don't have a TOS doc to link to, but every design I sell has this attached in the ownership tab:


you may:
- use the design (with direct credit given at least once)
- use the art (with credit every time)
- change the design as you please
- resell for what you bought them for (plus added cost of extra art if the artist gives permission)

please don't :
- use any of my designs in "breedables", for profit or otherwise.
- resell this design for a voucher put towards real, tangible items (listed on Amazon, etc)
- color pick or take close inspiration from my designs. doing so results in an immediate block and blacklist.

NOTICE: I do not allow this design, prior adopts, or any of my artwork to be made or used as an NFT or any art-based cryptocurrency, nor as fodder for any AI art banks.

GOSH i'm so sorry, i keep forgetting the ownership tab has a place for you to put tos in LMAO, thank you!! <3