Fandom Designs

This folder is for all of FNGaymer’s [aka me as this is my alt. account] animalized designs for characters from the following fandoms [be it anime, movies, video games, tv-shows, etc]: The full list of planned fandoms I’m going to make designs for characters from can be found here along with the TOS for using the designs! Read the TOS before using any of the designs!   

I’d also love to see what you do with the designs, so feel free to drop on by and show me!   

[If they're not uploaded yet, I likely haven't made them yet! I've been currently working on Star Wars, MCU, Kindergarten, South Park, & Undertale & Deltarune designs- but the rest of these are still planned and/or in development! As of right now any of the currently uploaded designs are hidden from everyone's eyes but mine {And The MCU designs are only visible to RandomPurpleKitty, Susivoi, and I} until they are fixed/updated! Once they are updated & open to being used, they will be made public again so that you may use the designs!]

Feline Cat Canine Dog UFS EO Star MCU Rebel Wars Star Wars Rebels Star Wars Rebels Entertaining Offers UFO Marvel Cinematic Universe Cinematic AVENGIMALS Mutt The AVENGIMALS Project