Steven Universe

This takes place in an alternate universe of sorts from the show, where the diamonds and all that still exist, but a bunch of the events of the show do not happen. In addition, as my spinel character was made before the movie introduced spinel proper, the role of spinels in the gem society is different too.

It takes place on a small town located near a forest. Three gems, Spinel, Pyrope and Diaspore crash land on earth after a freak series of events that make them end up in the same ship. Stuck in an alien planet with no idea of what to do or who the other gems are, the trio decide to stay in the forest for a while as they get their bearings. Eventually, they come across a human girl who decides to strike a friendship with them and things sort of progress from there. Dead to their empire and officially off the grid, the three decide to take this chance to finally relax and live a fun, simple life. Basically a slice of life with gem aliens.

As for the organization in this folder, the main characters are at the front, then the less important characters, then the fusions are at the end.

Html by Eggy