Sacramentum High

『 ・ ・ ・ Hahaha! It's the beginning of an endless night! 』

The dolorous atmosphere of the graveyard perturbed anybody who came upon it, imbuing a desolate sensation to grip at their chest and wrench it painfully. As protrusions of wilted grass flourished at the outskirts, cracked headstone after cracked headstone rifted reality in two; leaving disquietude, uneasiness. And just beyond the area was a gargantuan hill that obscured the moonlight from illuminating the crevices, enshrouding the graveyard in eternal darkness.
However, if one ventured past the despairing graveyard and climbed the hill, they'd scrutinize a grandiloquent, antecedent building just below their stature, standing at the top of the hill. With a purple frame adorned with silver, it embellished the egregious scenery quintessentially; and when you tromped carefully down the hill, getting closer and closer to the colossal building... you could hear the gargoyles creaking with laughter.