Spy Thriller
Government Conspiracy
Memory Loss

She wakes up in a hospital bed with no memory of her life. Her only clues are the clothes she was admitted in and a unique tattoo. She attempts to piece back together her life while also looking for a way to move on and exist in a world that doesn't look kindly on those with no history. In the process of searching out her lost memory, she meets a man who claims he used to know her. Subsequently she is drawn into a complex web of underground connections, shady organizations, and blood money. She learns she was taken out after attempting to disrupt one of the largest organizations - her former employer. They took most of her life, and now they took her memory as well. She won't let anyone stop her from accomplishing her goal the second time around, no matter what the agency throws at her.
Drawing inspiration from SHIELD in the early Marvel Cinematic Universe.

img credit || code by icecreampizzer

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