Come home Sweet prince

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by fizzelston

I've ordered this bootleg Grizz plushie yesterday


Now we wait.


God....... The son. Flat son. 

Flat as a bread... 

Yes good


Lookit this precious b e a n


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ok so I haven't really bought anything bootleg but like, fuckn manufacturer error stuff is so fucking funny like I remember years ago I was in hot topic and I saw a giant ass SleepyTime Carebear hanging up somewhere on a wall but his fucking fACE WAS UPSIDE DOWN ON HIS BODY

It was both horrifying and hilarious and I wish that cashier would've let me get it when I asked my mom for it sdfhisg

AGSGGD THOSE ARE GREAT TBH, just little freaks of mother not nature.  HOS FACE WAS UPSIDE DOWN, WHAT A CLOWN!?!

too bad you couldn't by this mutant, this demon spawn, I wish I could have seen it

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SGSG tbh the names they gave those bootleg plushies is even better, 

I bought a kawaii naked bear plushie.

PLEASE BUY THAT GIRATHINA PLUSH THOUGH, if Nintendo doesn't make one, they miss out on ur money that's just how it works. 

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JUST PUT KAWAII SOMEWHERE IN THE NAME AND UR SAVE TO GO RIGHT. Just, make a booeg and call it kawaii and silly lads (like me) will buy it

TBH I'm quite surprised that they don't have a Girathina plushie yet like, wtf that would be a goldmine