~☆Random Update 02☆~

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Visceral_Bitez

Open or Closed?

0 Votes Open species
4 Votes Semi-open species
0 Votes Closed species


This is more of just a poll than an update, but with the current situation on tik tok with closed species i started thinking, should Star Keepers be an open or semi open species? We use a free fictional currency anyways, so I wanted to know if you guys though it'd make a difference. 

I think I'd personally like to do semi-open or closed, since I'm adding a Subtype or two that'd I'd like to be somewhat restricted/rarer.

So the poll options are:

Open - completely open; anyone is free to make as many of any Subtype they like

Semi-open - somewhat open; anyone is free to make as many SKs of a subtype or two, but other subtypes still need a myo to make

Closed - current status; you need a myo to make a Star Keeper of any subtype 


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