Medi-Borg MYO Shop [ Always Open]

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Nyxium

Medi-Borg MYO Shop
(Real Currency)

All prices shown are in USD.
All purchases will be done through Paypal.
Please comment on this bulletin using the form below to place an order!


MYO Slots

Common - $15
Rare - $20
Mythic - $25
Glitch - $35


These may be added to an existing Medi-Borg or MYO slot.

Single Traits
These only allow you to use a single trait from the correlating rarity.
These may be added to any Medi-Borg or MYO slot, regardless of its current rarity.

Rare - $2.50
Mythic - $5
Glitch - $7.50

Overall Rarity Upgrade
These allow you to upgrade your existing Medi-Borg or MYO slot's overall rarity.
These will allow you to use as many traits as you would like from the correlating rarity.

Common ➝ Rare - $5

Common ➝ Mythic - $10
Rare ➝ Mythic - $5

Common ➝ Glitch - $20
Rare ➝ Glitch - $15
Mythic ➝ Glitch - $10

Functionality Swap
These may be used to switch an existing Medi-Borg's functionality type.
Please note that malfunctioning or toxic Medi-Borgs may never revert back to functioning!

Functioning ➝ Malfunctioning - $5

Common (Functioning or Malfunctioning) ➝ Toxic - $10
Rare (Functioning or Malfunctioning) ➝ Toxic - $5


Purchase Form

Username: (username of the recipient - this is your username, unless it is a gift for someone else)
Purchase: (what you are buying)
Paypal Email: (for sending an invoice - feel free to DM this separately)


Thank you, and please come again!


Want to make a purchase with our species' digital currency, Pills?
Check out The Pharmacy!


This user is not visible to guests.

Username: sugar-n-spice-hazel 

Purchase: switch MYO from normal to malfuctioning 

Paypal Email: sent through dm

Invoice sent!

payment sent! i did it right this time lol

Thank you so much! Please take a screenshot of this transaction as proof for approval <3

Username: sugar-n-spice-hazel 

Purchase: glitch MYO 

Paypal Email: sent through dm plz

Invoice sent! Thank you so much! ^^

payment sent !

I haven't received it, it still shows as invoice pending on my side, can you double check please? ^^

oh! i just paid it! i thought it had gone through

No worries! It just came through now, tysm!   
Will make up and send the ticket over to you shortly ^^

1 Replies

Username: KingHelios33

Purchase: Rare Myo Slot

Paypal Email: [email protected]

Hi there, sorry for the delay, my weekends can get pretty busy!

Thank you for claiming a slot! Please send payment here and the ticket will be sent over to you ❤

Alright, I just sent the payment! And it's alright! I understand! 💕

Please let me know if it went through okay! 💕💕💕

I got it, thanks so much!! 💕
I've transferred the slot to you! ^^

Sweet! Thanks so much! 🤍🤍🤍

Username: Mawairu

Purchase: Mythic Slot

PayPal Email: Sent through DM

Username: BeepBeep

Purchase: Glitch Single Trait

PayPal Email: [email protected]

Hello! I've sent the invoice, tysm!! ^^

Sent! Tysm!