Design Me Characters Contest [CLOSED]

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago by u__wo_


Hello! This contest is now OFFICIALLY OVER. No more submissions can be made, and judging begins now.
From this point forward, Please allow me up to 2 weeks to judge winners and runners-up.


Keep in mind, even if someone places, they can also win at least 1 runner up / honorable mention prize, but no more than that!

As of right now, there are 81 ENTRIES. That means there will be 20 runner up prizes of a dreamy MYO slot!

This wasn't mentioned before, and I wasn't sure how I felt on it previously, but if you are not interested in your runner up prize (dreamy MYO slot) and would like to sell it for its worth ($15) Let me know and I will make a journal of slots available for people to sell. That way, if you feel a MYO is useless to you, at least you will get something out of it (they will sell no problem, so no worries. ^^)

I will also be making a journal for those who do not win the contest, in order to help them advertise their designs for sale if they would like.

Okiedoke, I think I've gotten everything down..

THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS FOR THE AWESOME TURNOUT!! THis was crazy and fun and I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves!

OKAY! I really want some fantasy themed boys, but the rules are going to be very vague and simple so people hopefully don't wind up overlapping design aesthetics and the people who don't place can simply turn around and sell or trade their designs so nothing of value is truly lost.


This contest will run just shy of 2 months, ending May 10th 2016 at 12:00 AM EST.
Entry judgment may take up to 2 weeks after the contest end.



  • :NEW: In order to enter this contest (to avoid suspicious behavior, plagiarists and blacklist dodgers) you must provide me an account of yours (if not your submission account) that is at least 6 months of age and has shown obvious activity (dA, FA, tumblr, facebook, etc).
  • Draw a full body frontal male design. Back design not necessary but is appreciated, as well as any details you might want to add.
  • The drawing itself must be flat colored, the lines can be sketchy or finished, but if sketchy, please make sure it's legible -- that I can make out the design aspects and it's not just hastily scribbled.
  • Please do not use bases! All art must be original.
  • No more than three entries per person.
  • When you're finished with your design, PM it to me! I will write down your name here with a check mark next to it for each design you submit.
  • Please understand that all winners (including runner up) forfeit their designs to me, and these designs will be used by me as personal characters.
  • You cannot place more than once unless a second design of yours is chosen as a runner-up. One person cannot win 2 grand prize slots! Each grand prize (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) will be a different person.
  • Those who do not place are free to sell/trade their designs.
  • PLAGIARISM, THIEVERY, ETC WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT BE ACCEPTED. You will be disqualified and blacklisted immediately if I find out you have traced or plagiarized someone's design work in any way.
  • Because prizes/money will be exchanged for the winning designs, I reserve the right to trade them should I no longer have a good place for them! I will not sell them.


  • First place: $150 +1 MYO czylph or dreamy slot (+1 rare trait allowed for dreamy)
  • Second place: $75 +1 MYO dreamy slot
  • Third place: $35 +1 MYO dreamy slot
  • And 5 runners up will receive 1 COMMON-UNCOMMON MYO dreamy slot. (Will increase to 10 if I get 20 entries, and 20 if I get 50 entries somehow..)

    NOTE: MYOs must follow THESE RULES, meaning they can't be sold, and they can only be traded once completed+approved!
    Rare traits cannot be purchased for the runner up slots.





  • Your design must be MALE. Sorry, I actually have a metric frickton of girls rn so I need more dudes that aren't autotailored to my aesthetics.
  • Your design must be human or elf, however I have a strong preference for humans right now. No kemonomimis/animal ear please!
  • Your design must appear between the ages of 18-35 (I don't mind cutesy styles, but this is more to do with the character's appearance/fashion)


  • FANTASY (preferable): Thief, Priest, Knight, Peasant, Bard, Farm Worker, Traveler, Merchant -- basically anything that ISN'T a main magician of some sort.
  • MODERN: Upright Businessmen, Teachers??, Fancypants Dudes, Hoodlums/thugs, Basically people that look like they could probably kill you with a look (chokes)


  • No especially "feminine" or young clothing/appearance (no shorts, skirts, bows, polka dots, etc..) + no super large hips
  • No shaven hair in any form (no hawks, side shaven, etc)
  • No too many clashing themes in modern clothing -- try to keep it simple but unique?
  • No super wide/drapey/cloak fantasy designs. Form-fitting man-dress type things are fine, but nothing that super obscures the body's form.
  • No super fluffy beards. Not really looking for unkept biker dudes or anything -- stubble/shadow is fine tho!
  • No vibrant hair!! Subtle (dark blue, dark red, dark purple) and natural colors are fine but stuff like laser lemon and hot pink are not favorable, even as streaks.

Here's a sheet of anime dudes I really like to give you a brief glimpse of the things I do enjoy.


Ghostgrumps @ dA ✔
Geekgirl8 @ dA ✔
Mizukibutterflyboy @ dA ✔
Nightshadestudio @ dA ✔
Myelencephalon @ dA ✔
Nithak @ dA ✔
Platybara @ TH ✔
Sephiriah @ dA ✔ ✔ ✔
Infel @ TH ✔ ✔
Milkyytea @ dA ✔
Retrozero @ TH ✔ ✔
Windynightsky @ dA ✔
Vixfin @ dA ✔
Frigginconfused @ dA ✔
Chuluschus @ dA ✔
Cunadopts @ dA ✔
Ascherune @ TH ✔
Omgproductions @ dA ✔ ✔
Lithionsky @ dA ✔
Baratomato @ dA ✔
Bubblyconcoction @ dA ✔
Sehbwuff @ dA ✔
Xipako @ dA ✔ ✔
Sandflake-Adoptables @ dA ✔
Sketchyrel @ dA ✔
Runno20 @ dA ✔ ✔ ✔
Erebun @ dA ✔
Merimutt @ dA ✔
Senaizumi @ dA ✔ ✔ ✔
Meowchi75 @ dA ✔
46san @ dA ✔
Srinitybeast @ dA ✔ ✔
Xminxicat @ TH ✔
Loppylapin @ dA ✔
Zeryuo @ dA ✔ ✔ ✔
Pip-kip @ dA ✔ ✔
Kana-kana @ dA ✔ ✔ ✔
Pepperly @ TH ✔
Akira @ TH ✔
Bunmuffin @ dA ✔
Rhensei @ TH ✔
Kaitkuroi @ TH ✔
Remi-Adopt @ dA ✔
Rheiyel @ TH ✔
Pkii @ TH ✔
Rookie @ TH ✔
Kyokos @ TH ✔
Elltia @ TH ✔
Ghoulbitez @ TH ✔
Zerolifepoints @ dA ✔
Ittybittypigeontitty @ dA ✔ ✔ ✔
Shadowkitty777 @ TH ✔ ✔
Madcarnival @ TH ✔
Dotoriii @ TH ✔
Deviousotter @ TH ✔
Puru @ TH ✔
Ponpoe @ TH  ✔
Ojkaleidoscope @ dA ✔
Jotaku @ TH ✔
Nekobako @ TH ✔
Chocobroh @ dA ✔
Paper-rabbit @ dA ✔


entering all late with a broken tablet pfff but here's my DA

entering v late! but here's my dA, it's old as hell:

MMM this is super last minute I'm sorry, but I'd love to enter ! Here's my DA - !

mmm would a shaman count as a main magician?

It's fine as long as it follows the "no super drape-y looks-like-they're-wearing-a-circus-tent" clothing rule haha.

ooo alrighty!

May I enter??? I hope isnt too late Heres my da

Yep! You have until the end of the 9th to enter still.

I would like to enter as well! This may not be a site youre too familiar with but ive been around on for a very long time~

This is fine! I've never been to paigee personally but I've heard of it. c:

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waghghgh i would love to enter but i hope it's fine my DA isn't extremely old, same with my tumblr???? but i saw you replied that its okay so i hOPE TO ENTER WAWAwawa

Hi, I'm going to enter really soon! But I just had a couple of questions about the MYO slot prizes:

What rarities are allowed on the regular MYO slots? If the MYO slots only allow common/uncommon (like I'm assuming), could we pay a fee to add a rare trait to it if we wished? What are the rules about re-gifting/trading the MYOs? (not that I'm planning to, I'm just curious!)

They follow the basic rules linked in the MYO slot rules provided, and only have common/uncommon traits.

I'm sorry, is there supposed to be a link for the MYO slot rules? I can't find it anywhere ;-;

I had a read of your general Adopt TOS and it says free designs can't be re-sold/traded which was what I was expecting, but what about re-gifting? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to be clear on the rules ;w;

I'm so sorry, I'm an idiot who didn't realize I didn't paste that addition from my dA edit > < it's up there now ahaha, sorry!

Ah ok! I understand now xD No worries~

It's a shame the super rare traits aren't available, I really wanted a dreamy with glove fins - they're so cute ;o; !! But just having a dreamy at all would be so sweet anyway aaaaah <3

i want to enter, but i just checked and my account here is not 6 months old yet (i think its at 5?); i do have a deviantart account that's ages old, but i wanted to get your okay on this, as i don't really want to circumvent the rules? if you're not okay with that, i completely understand.

Just be sure to link the dA when you note me your entry and everything will be fine. c: you don't necessarily have to submit your entry with your oldest account, just show me that you've been around for awhile and that's fine.

lol i just saw this on deviant art

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Whichever's most comfortable for you! A lot of people have submitted to dA so I don't mind. :D

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If I enter the contest am I forced under duress to definitely cough up the design goods?! I'd love the design challenge and hoo boy prizes, but I'm juggling a few pieces atm ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I CAN'T.. tell if you're actually asking a question or just joking--


i wanna do the thing but do i gotta cough up some goods if i enter, as in if i miss the deadline i just get disqualified idk now that i think about it this question sounds stupid LOL

OH, well you only have to trade your design in to me if you place as a winner or runner up, otherwise you're free to do w/e with it (cause obv people aren't gonna place if the contest is already over fslkkfd)

Wait do you want written info like personality and junk too? This sounds really interesting and I will definitely try to enter!!!

Also: llol it's Dio. Do you like jjba or did you just happen to find that gif?

I love JJBA! Well, I say love, but I'm still pretty newly into it. It's both ridiculous and full of amazing characters, what's not to love tbh :'D

And nah, I'll be developing the characters myself in my personal stories so I'd feel bad if people worked out full bios and I just kinda trashed it ahaha.

I suppose I'll enter! ^^ An account of mine is Aria-Suna-Kunoichi on DA, I've been on for 4 years :D


Human Males are my thinggggggg. I'm sure I will be entering!

omfg this is right up my alley tbh im totally gonna try to submit a thing *w *

guts!!! my fav

Looking at the sheet of anime dudes like Good shit,,,,,esp guts

UWAH i must get off my butt and submit

ooo this contest seems like fun~ plus fantasy characters are my specialtyyy i'll have to submit a design or two if i get the chance~

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I see guren :3c This looks like a lot of fun I will defs try to enter!

:3c I love making thugs!!! I'll probably do this

I'll try and submit one or two! *stares longingly at Guts* ... like a truck...


( Darn the inline image thing isn't working for me *cries*

Ahh i might give this a shot!! :)

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aslfksfk i hope i can think of a nice design for this *^* i don't design enough serious males so it should be good practice too lol

bases okay or is this original art only? i have a base i made for outfits that would probably work well for this kind of thing tbh but wanted to know if it's disallowed/going to dock points LMAO

I'd prefer original art!

those guys are really cool aaa

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He's the best Q_Q AHH I LOOK FORWARD TO IT!!