Hey all! I'm not feeling well and would like to acquire a couple to a few new pretties to make stories with or draw. I'm offering commissions for these, though I could also offer cash for something I super love. If you want art, please make sure you're read my Terms of Service to make sure you agree with it. You can comment below, in a TH DM, or send me a discord DM. I'm in bed a lot right now so please give me some time to reply but I will reply to everyone. Please let me know what you would like in return for your character (art type and amount or resell price). No customs at this time as I want to finish the WIPs I'm working on before taking any more on. 

Looking for:

- Handsome/pretty male (and masc enby) fantasy characters. I'm working on a silly little personal project that I'd like more pretty boys for. They can be muscular, heavier, slender, ect as long as they are clearly adults. Bonus if they have very pretty hair. I'm pro makeup on men. Handsome bastards welcome. I'd prefer full-body adopts with full proportions rather than chibis where possible. I'm not looking for closed species for this, but rather one-offs with these themes:

  • Japanese folklore (would love some males based on Yokai, ect) or historical dress
  • Non-armored fantasy-style males: humans, elves, fae, nagas, vampires, pretty demons, male fantasy witches/warlocks, whatever. No -taurs or anthro character though, please.
  • Kemonomimi of any species including fantasy ones like dragons. Modern looks okay for these.
  • Maybe space-themed but least interest on my list right now as I have a fantasy theme going.

- Any Dainty of any gender that isn't excluded by the "don't want" list below. Dainty MYOs also good.

- Always interested in looking at Pokemon trainers to add to my silly roster.

- interested in male Lockettes/Dexettes as well. No MYO slots as I have unused ones.

Things I don't want:

Most  of these are hard nos. Some are for my mental health and some  are just  things I have zero interest in drawing and/or owning.

  • #1  hard decline: ANYTHING medical, body horror, bloody theme.  Exposed bone/organs, missing organs, most missing body parts, nurses,  needles, pill, and medicine, even on non-human or non-living characters.  Also any drug-themed characters (including  marijuana). No judgement on  folks who enjoy these themes this is just  for my mental health. No characters with self harm themes.
  • Ferals and Anthro characters (Bamharr and Kamistune are fine). I just don't enjoy drawing them.
  • Tootheyes, parasite-based species, most tails are things species. Same as above.
  • Loli  (fetish, not the fashion)/Shota/any sexualized underaged designs and DO  NOT  offer me a character that has a description of tr*p or other trans  slur.  
  • Religious symbols including organized religion,  counterculture, pagan, ect. Example: cross, inverted crosses, pentagram.   I'm not anti any of these just not my taste in designs. Angels or demons are okay.
  • Often will pass if they have animal feet and hands (exception: Hooved feet, nagas, or mermaids)
  • Characters with super dark non-human skin colors as my marker and scanner combo tend to eat their details especially their faces. (for example 80% or more gray, or deep green, purple, and blue). Also bright red skin for same reason.
  • Heavily Armored and mech characters. Anything with  too many mechanical elements (though smooth sci-fi ie Mass Effect armor is fine).
  • I am NEVER interested in any AI-generated/assisted adopts or outfits as I find AI images to be ethically wrong.

I apologize for any offers I end up declining because they aren't fitting the (literal) fever dream in my head.


Hey lovely! I"m so sorry for the delay, I ended p taking a few days off for the holiday! 

They're all beautiful but I didn't click with these good boys. Thank you though I smoosh youuuu

Don't worry about the time, holidays are important and the comment cannot run away <3

I'm not sad I get to keep them, so everything is good. Thank you for looking!

Sliding this folder your way just to see if anyone catches your eye : JKDreamer on Toyhouse 

If not, all good <3

Hey lovely! I'm so sorry for the delay, I ended up taking a few days off for the holiday! 

Let me take a look through all these pretties in a day or two and I'll reach out if any catch my eye! (Just my brain is blinking slowly at the five pages and will need to summon two brain cells together which is not tonight XD) Thank you beeb!

It's all good! Take your time love <3 

Just gently poking since I saw your other post that also linked to this one <3 no rush either way !

Thank you for the repoke, my brain cell really has been down for the count recently. I'll poke you over on discord!

I think these are the only boys I have laying around atm haha

Punk; https://toyhou.se/8139046.-1 

Elf; https://toyhou.se/601827.ota 

Fox or Rabbit Kemonomimi; https://toyhou.se/8138575.ota 

Lion Unicorn; https://toyhou.se/8138991.-1- 

& this dude; https://toyhou.se/3667477.tola-ja 

Hey love! None of these cuties are inspiring me but I appreciate you and your offering them to me <333

Of course boo!   

(do you want some custom boys? We can chat if you do lol)

I'll poke you sometime tomorrow after I get back from the doctor to see if we can think up a boy or two <3

sounds good lovely <3

I have these two lads I could offer if they're of interest



Either way good look on your trades lovely!!!

Mitz I will pass on even though he's very fun, but I'm going back and forth on Jinshe. I poked you over on discord about something else, but I'll get back to you on him later on this boy once I decide if he needs to join my squad <3

Sure thing lovely 😘 also why does discord never tell me these things XD

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I'd be happy to do a sketch for him! Drop me a DM with a victim <3

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Thank you for having me draw your grouchy and handsome sir! <3 https://www.deviantart.com/nickyflamingo/art/Edrune-sketch-941981824 

You, my dear sweet friend, are about a month too early, lol.

I have been toying with an Oni inspired species for a while now, as I have two characters begging to be designed (one of them male), but no real need of them myself.

Unfortunately I have no way of working on them until sometime mid-/late december.

Good luck on getting some new pretties though ;3

Well regardless I am hype to see them and your species I'm sure they're going to be gorgeous!

Thank you, I hope so ^ ^

I can offer these guys:



(Please ignore the story bits attached to them)

Staring at Cenric a bit and deciding if he wants to come home with me or not. What were you thinking you'd want for him if he ends up fitting in?

Would you be okay with a full colour halfbody for him?

Sorry for the delay, beeb, been a pain of few days. 

I would, poke someone at me in DMs of choice <3

A great crop of lads, but I didn't see any who would suit what I'm looking for right now. Thank you beeb for offering them, I really appreciate it <3

That's okay! No problem~ Thanks for looking <3

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hey lovely! I didn't see anyone who will fit in with my plan but I super appreciate you having me take a look! <3

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You tooooo <333