Design TOS

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Pecas

Designs TOS 

❤️ Don’t color pick, heavily reference, steal, or claim my designs are yours

 ❤️Feel free to trade/resell/gift anytime 

❤️2 day holds only 

❤️Don’t use my adopts for any bigotry/fetish

 ❤️Make changes but not an entirely different character 

❤️No I don’t do refunds 

❤️Blacklists can’t obtain my designs 

❤️Designs cannot go off site unless it's another character storage site

❤️Don’t resell for higher than what the design was bought for unless art is added 

❤️Virtual currency cannot be converted to real currency. So don’t sell a design from VC to RC.(🎮>🚫💸) 

❤️Free designs cannot be resold unless art is added

 ❤️Designs cannot turn into a species 

❤️Don’t delete characters off Toyhouse You’ll be blacklisted

 ❤️Don’t delete credits 

❤️I say what goes for my designs your TOS doesn’t override that 

❤️Don’t hide my designs from me please, at least give me authorization, I’d appreciate that

 ❤️Don’t use my designs for NFT or AI

 ❤️Don’t use my designs for commercial use. At least discuss it with me if you really want to.


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