Tomorrow  (12/21) getting my wisdom teeth pulled due to intense pain in jaw from one not coming through all the way and one being flat. Top two are impacted but will come out later.

Just giving a heads up to anyone who might be messaging me for interests in commissions or trades. I will be out of it for a few days because depersonalisation is gonna make this a little more difficult for me. ^^


If you have some extra money and are looking for a last minute Christmas present, consider looking at my trades and sales below! It would greatly help me out with surgery costs. ༼ ༎ຶ ᆺ ༎ຶ༽
I would offer commissions but I don't know when my brain will fix itself so I don't feel comfortable knowing I could not do it quickly.

+ I make outfits and have tons of unsold ones. I am more than happy to bundle them to make it cheaper! There are also other humanoid adopts in there and tattoo adopts made by me! I WILL consider trading them.
+ Trades/Sales on main account.
+ Trade/Sale account. Use tags to filter (willing to bundle things to make it cheaper).
+ EO Area only. Same rules apply for main area. Will trade for other trades but extremely tent (no sales). Unlikely I'll accept unless you have a very liked design. Enter here knowing that.

Have a Merry Christmas! <3333

I'll answer any trade/sale interests as soon as I'm able.


Good luck!

Ty! Heading in now. *fingers crossed*

I hope everyone turns out okay! I've had a wisdom tooth removed and I hated it so much but it healed pretty quickly so I hope the same for you! Good luck with sales and happy holidays!! <3

Same to you! Tysm. <3