Bringin' the semi-formal grammar back out for this one. This is going to be the first part of my talking about everything- I'm still going through and getting all of the message proof and whatnot that I need to back all of my experiences. There is still some I need to squeeze in here, but until I can do that, here's my side of it and why I've been pissed off- if you want to take what I have so far with a grain of salt, then by all means do it. I don't care really about being the "good guy" just so long as this shit doesn't continue or god forbid escalate. I'm frustrated, tired and I don't want this to go on any longer. I'll update this when I've been able to add everything.

update 1: fixed the accidental deadnaming. i had no clue they went by something else now, my mistake. i'm sorry. 

CLEM STOP STALKING ME 😭 also, no, I wasnt just being uwu entitled. They repeatedly reposted EO ads in the server and included Maxo in them over and over and over again, to which things would continue, and it implied the message of wanting others to out-offer me and Kiwi until someone else pointed out that if they truly didn't want offers on Maxo, then they shouldn't include them in the ads. Also, Kiwi did not intentionally deadname them. It was a genuine mistake, and they corrected it as soon as they realized they did it. Leave me and my friends alone, stop doing this disingenuous shit to them too.

Clem, I don't know how long you've been stalking me but it's not only getting on my nerves, it's creeping me out. For the love of god, stop. We have each other blocked for a reason, quit it.

Don't harass anyone mentioned. Don't give them grief. That's pointless, and it'll only make this whole thing worse for myself and everyone involved. Just.. don't do that, man. 

Yeah, so... about my last bulletin- it's about @TwigtheStickling.

What happened is that in March of this year, I tried to get my dear sona, Maxo back from them in a server we were both in (not disclosing which one as I want to respect the privacy of myself and all parties involved who don't want to be identified).

They, for an entire 7-day week, lead both me and one of my best friends into ending up offering $200+ in both character value and real money because we both wanted to help get him back for me. I heavily regretted trading him away originally (not straight to Clem), especially since I had done it on impulse and hadn't thought my decision through too well- shit happens. I acknowledge that it was a stupid decision, even if I asked who I traded him to to please let me know if and when he would be ufo again so I could try to get him back (I was never notified).

Some time after this, I had made a design that had a similar theme to his, which can be viewed here. They were made as an adopt, since aside from the whole thing I did want to make a shrimp themed design for a little while, and I had been proud of my art style and design style at the time. I would get a message from a mod of the server, which reads as follows (with some details omitted to preserve the privacy of this individual)

I panicked because my intention was not at all rip Maxo off, and wanted to do what I could to remedy the situation- however, I had already sold the design I made to said friend and could not have it deleted. We all made a compromise- the design was to be redesigned if not deleted, and that's where it should've ended. The design was redesigned, the redesign can be viewed here. We all went our separate ways, and this was when I took a small break from drawing and designing because I was scared that if I made and posted another design, that the situation would escalate further. After I took my break it was all over, though I was extremely upset because I had not only really gotten my hopes up, but I had also been working very hard to raise the money to try to get him back solely through art work (I had no other way to do so).

The conversation between us two can be viewed here

However, regarding the design, I understand that intent does not equal impact, and I take and took full responsibility for my actions. I do not deny in any way that I made that design, and I still fully acknowledge that it was wrong even if it didn't come from a place of malintent. I did what I had to so that I could remedy it, and that is where I thought it had ended.

Fast forward to recently.

I'm told by two of my friends that Maxo was ufo now, and they both were excited and wanted me to get them back. I couldn't reach Clem myself, nor did I have the money at the time to buy them myself. I tried at getting a voucher in which I'd do art/animation in return for, which I did- the same dear friend of mine from earlier bought him back for me, and I was happier than I could describe with words. I'm still chipping away at what I owe her in return, but I was and still am extremely happy and grateful for what she did for me.

About 5 days ago, I got a message from someone who does not want to be identified here, which is as follows

As you can see, I was trying to take it lightly, but it genuinely did anger me a lot. Not only was Clem bringing things back up that had already been solved, but they made me out to be a lot more malicious than I actually had been, and treating it like they were the first/original owner of Maxo (which they were not- I was, and you can see that just by looking at the bottom of Maxo's ownership log)... Over getting back a character that I had missed dearly, and that they had nearly gotten me and my friend to give them nearly 4 times their worth in money and add-ons for out of desperation (for lack of a better word)They blatantly misrepresented the original interactions to paint me as worse than I was, and to imply that I outright stole him (which is clearly not the case), as well as absolve them of any wrongdoing in this situation at all.

I'm not sure what else to say at this point, but I'm in the process of getting proof of the original interactions in which me and my dear friend tried to get him back originally. I will of course add that and any other details I may have missed when I have it all, but there is a good chunk of it, so it'll probably take a minute.

Thank you for reading this if you did, and I don't care either way what you come to. If you think I'm a piece of shit, cool. If you think I'm not, cool. If you think this is stupid, cool. If you have any input feel free to drop it in the comments. If you have experiences with Clem, feel free to drop 'em in the comments. I'm just... so tired of this website.


they really just blocked me on both their accs for literally doing nothing ok then 💀💀

block evading is a serious offence that will result in a warning, and repeated offences will lead to a ban, i recommend reporting it to admin if they continue to block evade.


i already reported it, but i appreciate the suggestion ! <3

np! hope you are able to get the block evading resolved

hello this is Clem! I would like to say i am NOT stalking this bulletin?? My freinds and people keep dming me with updates on this bulletin, that is it. I was ranting abt the recent drama and they found it, all they did was inform me. I have you blocked, you have me blocked . I DONT EVER USALLY BLOCK EVADE im just doing this to clear this up. And to coy (the other person saying i stalked someone) I ALSO HAD THEM BLOCKED AND THEY HAD ME BLOCKED. I WASNT EVER STALKING THEM. I dont want interaction with them, again my FRIENDS dmed me like “Hey look at this”

I end up editing my blacklist a lot because im indesivive and cant choose a reason HDHHS

that... is stalking. that is very much stalking. leave me alone

POV: That's still stalking

ZAMN?? I did not expect to wake up and find so many new bulletins about Clem

Honestly hoping he’ll leave you alone now- but I will be honest, I’ll kinda miss the dumb little blacklist updates…they were funny…

Hi there, I unfortunately have also had a negative experience when dealing with this user and feel for you. Would you be ok if I provided a link to your bulletin to my service review post?. I'd like to gather everyone's experiences if I can to prevent further people having problems. Thank you.

of course, go ahead ! <33

This guy has been stalking my best friend and the remainder of my friend group who stuck with my best friend since a friend group falling out last year and I'm honestly not surprised to see nothing has changed despite us being nothing but nice and patient about it. We gave him a chance to back off but it seems looking at his profile Clem is still stalking him which is just beyond keeping tabs since he left the site this is just full blown cyber stalking now. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this guy too, we're both available if you want to discuss it further. My friend doesn't use anymore as a result of this stalking honestly, he practically got chased off of the site because asking to be left alone was out of the question. So I'm also partially commenting on his behalf as well as my own as someone who's witnessed some of the stuff he had to put up with this year.

Since he IP Blocked me here's my response to him because I am infuriated by the lack of personal responsibility and I'm done being gentle and nice about it.

1: Do not refer to me as my nickname we are not friends. We were never once friends, I do not respect you in the slightest. Your inability to see the damage you caused with your slander should be embarrassing.

2: Your friends sending you information is.. SURPRISE, Still stalking!! Just because you're not the one actively doing it doesn't make you innocent, because rather than tell them off for being immature and tell them to knock it off you use the information given to you by them. Despite all of us asking you to leave us alone, we don't want to interact with you, we're literally going out of our ways to avoid you, so why go out of your way to so religiously change our names on your DNI **other than** for slanderous reasons. At that point it stops being a general list to deter, but a list to put our names on blast when you continuously update it with new usernames / Information. I see no rational reason behind lists like them, they're childish and petty, and serve no justice other than to stroke the ego of the person posting the malicious information.

3: Apologize to the people you slandered. We've been nice because you're a kid and mentally immature but we're done. You've had several chances now to come clean and admit fault in situations you were 100% at fault in and instead you shift the blame to us? Something you've claimed my best friend did as well when you slandered him?? :))) ??? You call defaming a person so much so that they loose their only source of income "old drama"??? Are you fucking kidding me?? You disgust me. Genuinely I hope people start to see you for the toxic little spore you are to online friend groups and communities. I'm done being nice, and you should be thankful Rowan want's nothing to do with this situation despite what you did and despite his frustration with the events that went down.

The only similarity between those designs is a shrimp tail and man.. that is not enough to call it a copy whatsoever. Like wow what an asshat.

💀 people really gotta fucking be like that

I'm gonna block them 

But overall happy you got Maxo back!!! He's super pretty :D 

YEAAA i luv him !!!! im super happy abt him... hes so silly

I might draw him once I finish my last assignment for art class I have :D


I blinked and this bulletin got crazy fast 😭 I’m so sorry ur going thru this, I know how it feels to ache for ur own designs again I just recently got two back but without them it felt like a literal hole in my chest dramatic if that may sound

I could only imagine how it felt to regret trading ur sona ;w; 

I hope things ease up for you, you’ve been doing a lot of animation/art on top of this stress and I can only wish u the best of luck in the future <3

it was TERRIBLE :'D 

thank you for the kind words !! <33 i hope so too, but i do have an interview today so i hope that goes well ! im just trying to take it easy, and im certainly not going to let this whole thing ruin my joy of getting maxo back ;u; especially because hes not leaving me again !! 

Good luck!! :D

thank you !! <33

My word of advice,,,,next time you trade someone away that you think you might want back or something, I would suggest doing trade backs! I’ve done it with a few of my own designs/characters and it’s helped me be more comfortable trading away ocs that i loved a lot but didn’t use anymore :v 

Ive gotten some of the designs back when I missed them and it really does help, but tbh I couldnt tell honestly that to “rip-off” was even,,,similar?? Idk that’s confusing to me,,,

if things have been resolved I don’t understand the necessary need to bring light to them again, if it’s solved, it’s solved, if characters have been traded back, then that’s that idk why the conversatio/argument needs to go out longer? (Glad you got maxo back at least)

I just feel very bad you have this going on and the house-of-demons shit still,,,eugh. Not much I can do but some of my discord mates came along on some of your ychs to give ya money! hope it’s a little mood-lifter to ya 

i appreciate the kind words :'D <33 and SOBS OMG,, i appreciate the support a lot ,, 😭💞

i suppose theyre mad about how i ended up getting maxo back, but even then once the transfers and the money are sent its. they have no control over who the oc goes to anymore since its not their design and yknow. they dont own them anymore

As the current owner of the "rip-off" design I would never have even noticed them being that similar without it being pointed out here. And I've both followed you and owned the design for quite a while at this point.

Sounds like they're just making a big fuss out of literally nothing. It's not their character anymore. Shouldn't have sold it if they didn't want to lose control over it. Complaining about something that they willingly sold away is petty at best and spiteful at worst.  

exactly ! 

This user's account has been closed.

EXACTLYYY it was such a MESS

i hope so too,, no matter what though ill always be happy i have maxo back

This user's account has been closed.

YEA !! hes never leaving me again, and honestly if and when i have the resources to someday i wanna make or comm a suit of him,,<3333 im gonna be basing my profile off of him and everything, just like i wanted to before

This user's account has been closed.

YEA its gonna be a while but its worth it

they really do be stalking this bulletin ig


offtopic but i luv ur pfp

AWH TY cafecat's art is the cutest fr



yea i went to their pf and their warning kept updating w this im so sorry 😭 /g

no fucking way 💀

+ Similar to what I put in my own bulletin, when I bought Maxo (especially since it's 1. Not Clems design and 2. The transfers were all done and over) they lost all rights. So I had every, every right to give it to you and there should've been absolutely 0 hassle. Instead they're going to badmouth you because I rightfully paid for that character and gave it to you...Wild. (Also, it was a massive fuck fest to even get Clem to stop telling me to DELETE THE ADOPT I PAID FOR from you. The only options they had were shutting up or letting me redesign them to some regard- Instead, they continued to be like "um delete it" bro that's not one of the options tf.)

But what makes me wonder is- How did they even know you owned them? They were mutually blocked and were banned from the server, so I wonder who told them or if they got on a spare to be nosy

NO BUT FR. WEVE BLOCKED EACH OTHER. how would they know at all that i even owned him again when he was resold- it could have been anyone that had them blocked, or maybe you couldve just privated the character soon after he was bought (which ive seen others do)

how would they know it was specifically me if not for some other way ? its... odd

Actually, they weren't banned from said server until a while after i believe? I can check, I am admin in said server

actually you're correct, they were banned before which is now confusing me just as much....wth



wait nvm i misread it..... holdon let me correct myself pls. This oc was made in march 2022. Clem was banned April 3rd, 2022. i misread it ..HELPimage.png

I was in the group chat where Clem spoke of this, and I was in fact the person who DMed Maxo. I'm pretty sure both me and the multiple others in this group chat all believed the character wasn't similar but Clem was adamant on it so we DMed Maxo just to make sure he was comfortable, although we didn't really believe that anything besides the concept was similar.

4 Replies

you were quite literally corrected about their dead name and still chose to use it. I legitimately wrote down the name they go by. This drama isn't an excuse to be transphobic.

Damn shawty, get called transphobic for a fucking mistake, wild

i appreciate that you care about keeping these things civil, but it was a genuine slipup. they used 'clem' in the rest of their comment. 

Sorry man, genuine pet peeve of mine, been around others who use dramas as an excuse to be a complete ass. Makes me seeth

Just lyk twis is their deadname

Reason why we say Twig is because that is their username, and we don't exactly know anything else.

I'm just saying , I don't need a reason /nm

i never knew them personally + its in their username + i believe they went by that when this all happened /nm, gen

i have no idea what they currently go by, so ill correct it if i know what to correct it with

Its clem or herb
