Friendly Reminder + Owed Art Update

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(ANON) Poll- How's you're near end of 2022?

0 Votes It's AWESOME!
4 Votes It's great!
2 Votes Good!
4 Votes Not the best, not the worst-
4 Votes Neutral
3 Votes More on the bad side
0 Votes It's bad
3 Votes It's shit
2 Votes I

First of all I got to say I do regret saying I will chip away at my owed art list last week because I said I will be getting to it this week but guess who isn't doing just that-

December has honestly been the most stressful month this year, that's what I can sum it up with. 

A lot of yelling and disagreements in the house over moving and selling said house, I and my family will be moving to a different state where I have no idea what life is like other then that it is going to be very fucking cold (and as someone who grew up in the Southern U.S all my life, the cold makes me hurt. I hate the thought) , and me having to leave behind all my friends and the life I once knew. 

And then I draw free art for other's in a attempt to make other's happy for the holidays (it's that holiday spirit, and people like free stuff- I like free stuff, people like free stuff! ) and make myself happy despite how stressed I am as I discovered a new style that I liked to draw in, and I feel disgruntled and upset due to some stuff that happened while drawing free art for other's that caused me to shut down my freebie thread earlier than expected and now I won't be doing as much free art for other's than I have this year.

If you want to get some sort of chance for anything free from me check my Fave For Free Art / Writing - Always open for OCS, I might check in and draw something. Friendly reminder that all I ask for bottom line is a "thank you" in return, that's it. That's all I ask for!

If you want to get art from me guaranteed? Nothing too unique to say, but you can always consider to commission me ! I know almost every artist will tell anyone this and it's nothing new, but if you commission me you are also supporting other artists as the way I take USD is via vouchers, AKA: Pay a commission for me, get a commission from me - 

Weird if you don't know what vouchers are, but it's simple, I swear! Have been using this payment method for months, and it works everytime so long as everyone is okay with doing it <3! 

If you cannot commission me, that's totally fine- Even a bump on the thread or sharing my commissions can help just as much :D

Enough about me- I also want to give a reminder that:

Often due to stress, I forget to reply to some people for days on end and then realize I forget to reply after a while- If I somehow forget to reply to a message you sent me (even if I saw it) , please just feel free to poke me with a friendly reminder to reply to you! I won't get mad, I will really appreciate reminders! Just be kind with it, and you are helping me out so much <3

And if I owe you any art, please understand that I am not trying to run away from my owed art- I think about it all the time, but I really don't want to draw something for a commission or trade and it will turn out to be crap or not as good quality as my usual works when I am not under so much stress, I want it to be good. Worth it. If you want any sort of update, just DM me! I will reply ASAP and update you, or you can check the good old Trello for any progress- Don't be afraid to reach out to me, my DMS are constantly open!

Anyways that's enough of an update from me- 

TLDR: Months been stressful AF for me, I won't be doing much free art / free stuff for other's as much in 2023 anymore, if you want art from me either you check the Fave For Free Art for a probably low chance to get something for free or commission me for art, and if I forget to reply or I owe you art- Message me, no need to fear!

Hope everyone's 2022 will end well and you guys have a happy 2023, thank you all for the support!

(Anon poll is for fun because I like polls- Also don't mind that "I" option, my PC decided to freak out and post this early-)


I’m sorry if I was the one who ruined your fun with the free art stuff. 

I was the one with the Oc Elowen. I can do art to make up for it if I was the one who ruined it.