Eo on my characters

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Pinewillow

General bulletin for when I entertain offers on my ocs, currently always open!

In order of preference: USD > MIXED OFFERS > TRADES >ART

here are the designated links! please stay within the tags I set and do not ask for anyone outside of them unless I give specific permission to do so

main account | alt account | comfort account


Any chance this guy https://toyhou.se/23671897.- would interest you for https://toyhou.se/13677214.ren ?

If not, no worries! I was just wondering 

I do love them but unsure bc of the worth difference there most likely is hmm

I could try adding on other ocs from my th, art, or deviant art points maybe if you wanted? but that’s all I have atm /nm

Although if you’re more inclined to decline I understand 

Ah sorry I ended up trading him away apologizes!! Rlly appreciate the offer tho:3

Do u see someone in my unsorted for either / both of them? 



Understandable if not bc the art/worth diff but I liked https://toyhou.se/16905971.- for dove!! dont think I’d part with blood drive yet since I’m currently using him

I assume this was a decline but still wanted to check!!

oh wait nvm saw u traded them sorry!

not sure how i double commented oops SORRY!!

It’s ok!! Not sure I saw anyone unfortunately tho:0

https://toyhou.se/21299590.prizma do u see anyone i have for them?

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Uhh hmmm I’m a bit tent on him so not sure if I would Since I’d rather trade him for another oc I’d use3

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THATS OK!! how much is bozo worth if I may ask…

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i adore them :3 would u take anyone from here? i can also add on art! 

I didn’t see anyone I’d use and I atm don’t think I’d part with her for art since I’m still a bit attached I’m afraid 💔

all good!!! have a nice day :3

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I didn’t See anyone but I’d take art! What would u be willing to do

Oh wait actually someone got back to me on them who offered first so I will have to go with theirs unf I’m sorry!!😭 just checked the acc amd they replied back a bit ago

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https://toyhou.se/21578769.cove I LOVE LITERALLY SO MUCHHHHH i can offer ocs or art… maybe usd too 

I unfortunately can’t sell yet.. but I’ll lyk when

thats ok!!!! and tyty !:3


What can u offer.. I’d take a mixed offer for them:3

Think I paid $30 + art!!

i can do someon from my th + art!!! 

i can also prob offer usd but it would take a bit 

I did Like one guy but I think I’d prefer the usd.. if you could do the $30 + art i can do a hold for however long u need depending on!!

ohh yeah i can do that!! what kinda art are you wanting? like full,headshot,ect 

and it shouldnt take me too long to get $30 

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Would you consider art for any of these? https://toyhou.se/8542148.rouge https://toyhou.se/16908087.gummi https://toyhou.se/19670415.tbn I could maybe also offer someone from my th for them! Brooke and Aphrodite offlims, Xeno is a maybeee

I don’t think there was anyone I’d trade those guys for and unfortunately I wouldn’t look at art on anyone due to how tent I am + they’re all worth over $200:(


do u see someone in my th for either of these dudes? :0 



Didn’t see anyone I feel I’d use unfortunately!

I didn’t see anyone I’d use but I’d take art for lennie!! What would u be willing to do

whatever u think that would be fair! I thinkk maximum 3 pieces?? And anything like fulls, halfs, busts or headshots

Would 2 fulls and a bust be ok?:0

If yes may I dm refs!!

Yeah ofcc! Alsoo do you have discord (or instagram)? It’s easier for me to communicate through there, but it’s totally fine if not 🦦

I have discord although youde have to give me urs for contact since my requests are off

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Ah sorry they won’t be going off pending since the person only owes me one more thing till they’re paid off:0

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does anyone in my th interests you for them? (mikha, elijah and roi off) https://toyhou.se/16903808.sora (click on view all to see more characters)

or in beanieh

can also do art!

I didn’t see anyone unfortunately!! Not too sure I’d take art for them tho

im IN LOVE with this design https://toyhou.se/21105260.pinata 

I can offer a mix of art, maybe a character or multiple! https://toyhou.se/plushparade/characters/folder:487162

I may can add a mix of USD to that later tonight BUT for now!!

Ahh I absolutely adore ur art I’m tempted for a art and usd offer but a bit unsure only bc I’m unsure if I’d want to part with them now(still connected)!! I will get back to u later tho but if I decide to keep would u just want a ping:0

I understand completely!! I'd love to get a ping tysm! <3

Just lyk I may possibly look at a art + usd offer from u if ur still interested:3

oh!!! maybe! how much USD were you looking to get? I dont want to lowball or anything!

I paid $40 for them originally so I’d be fine with that + art:]

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https://toyhou.se/21087176.duplo#63719562 is this fella for offers? i can offer usd, or a mixed offer between usd and characters from my account! 

Yes he’s for offers very tent on accepting offers tho but I’d take the $80 resale(usd) on him!! I didn’t see anyone in ur th btw💔

I forgot he came with art by me but I’d take the $65 without the art included but with it he’d be $80

Can’t let go of the last guy bc I’m still paying off the art half for them!!

I’d look at trades, art or usd on everyone else tho, Mew would be trade only 

I’m most tent on Opal out of all

Just curious but were you still interested in anyone?

HI! YES I AM! So sorry for the disappearance! I spent saturday and sunday celebrating 2 different irl friends birthdays haha

I am still interested in everyone besides biscuit, but I hit a mental rough patch so I can't really offer art and I'm pretty low on USD :o( You can look through characters I have UFT here, but it's totally OK if you don't see anyone!

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I think I may have missed ur comment last time I’m sorry!!😭

They’re worth $40!! If not mistaken I have a little doodle I did of them that I forgot to upload so can do that but I liked https://toyhou.se/13903772.twibite (not sure if they’re offlimits or not sorry if they are!!) I’d take them plus $20:] 

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Ya I’d take that!! I’ll dm my PayPal:3

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UHH IM NOT SURE.. maybe a mix of art and a trade or art and usd either!!

OH UR GOOD I just removed the sona tag off her bc despite me owning for over 2 years idk I’d id use still😭 offers are welcome on her tho !!

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I love guy!! Id take with art maybe If not I can take art and usd.. idk how much usd to ask for so just lmk the max ur willing to offer!!

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NO WORRIES!! I’ll think on this but ngl very tempted for the $40 plus art 

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would you consider anyone from here or here for him? :o
the only off-limit would be ducky, other than that I could do multiple!

I do like a few but saw nobody I’d part with him for!!

tysm for looking anyway!!

would u take art 4 https://toyhou.se/18955868.swag- silly

SORRY FORGOT TO RESPOND… but I think I’d rather trade or swap him since I’m still connected:[

THATS fine dw !! u can look thry my unsorted but idk if theyrel be sny1

Augh I feel bad I just sold them actually so no longer own😭😭

its ok^_^

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I didn’t see anyone I’d do any of those guys for sorry:[

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I unfortunately didn’t see anyone there but how much usd would u be down to do + how long of a hold?

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They’re worth $500 now as their coding and worth log says so I wouldn’t sell them for just $150 since they have quite a bit of art I mostly added myself as well:[

Lowest I’d go would probably be $350 on them tho but if you’re not interested ty for offering!!

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You have to click on the words “value log” for it to open if it doesn’t still that’s weird but yea that’s fine ty for offering 

i need https://toyhou.se/15882309.caspian lmao, i can offer trades and or art

I didn’t see anyone unfortunately and I’m not looking for art on him:[

no worriees thanks for looking

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Ahh you own so many pretty ocs!!😭

I don’t think I can part with kuri rn but can do cosmo + sundae!!

I liked Felix, fruit gummy and Mew! Sundaes worth isnt listed but they’re worth abt $40 with what I did to get them:]

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You’re good!! May I doodle fruit gummy to see how I connect? I do love them just wanna make sure I use them if I do trade cosmo:]

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hi omg i love heaven, caspian, kuri, and tanner!! feel free to look thru my th! kana, kirby, salem, makoto, kai, alden off lims!

I’m afraid the one I liked(the tbn brown deadawake design) I wouldn’t be willing to trade for any of those guys due to the big worth gap but curious how much is https://toyhou.se/20301395.-me-irl If youde consider selling I can maybe buy depending on the price!!:0

me irl was a gift from a friend actually so they do not have a worth actually :[ and i totally understand! if i can afford to buy any of em in the future ill definitely let u know! :)

Ooh that’s fine ty tho!! And yea ur free to ty for offering❤️

PINE I'M BACK I'M SNIFFING https://toyhou.se/20269475.kuri, https://toyhou.se/11538455.zero, https://toyhou.se/11893390.tbn, https://toyhou.se/18898235.miles I could offer someone from my th other than Brooke and Aphrodite! I could also add on art :3 (also those with pending in the name)

Would u possibly consider doing xeno for the last 2? Tbn and miles!!

idt i could! i was really looking at Kuri more im sorry 3

That’s fine!! I unfortunately wouldn’t do her but ty tho<3

I unfortunately don’t find interest in either characters but I appreciate ur offer!!


would you take art for https://toyhou.se/20786982.sundae ? i have examples in my tab!

I’ll consider!! What are u offering? I think I may be more interested in trades for them tho just lyk I’m waiting for other offers before I consider accepting 


i could do two halfbodies like this or a halfbody and a fullbody like this! or something else! or i could do three headshots like this and this

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Trades mostly!! Not parting with sora tho I don’t think but I’ll take offers on sundae 

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Lovely characters but I don’t see anyone I feel I’d use I’m afraid</3

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I wouldn’t unfortunately I’d only look at usd or trades tho I do love ur art<3

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Unfortunately the only I liked was sora who ik is offlimits and probs worth more💔

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Yes I’m aware, Ty for the offer tho

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The $25!! 

I liked Theo I think!!

oh uhh sawyers worth is outdated I gotta fix that but who would u do Theo for? Would have to doodle to see if I connect first in case u consider

Just curious if u saw my reply!!

HEY sorry!! was thinking abt it, but i dont think id do theo for either of them!! tysm for getting back to me tho (:

https://toyhou.se/20348688.brat hi 30 dollars I'm blinking at you...

They’re possibly pending to someoen so sorry💔 juts waiting on a. Reply back

https://toyhou.se/18491648.brooke them then?? i peeked again if ur willing for resaleee

I already have someone also interested but I wanted to see if I’d connect to Brooke first before parting since I bought last week so I’ll doodle her and lyk…

thats okay!! feel free to bump this comment wehn/if u decide or dm me on discord, no rush!! /gen

do u see someone in my th for either of these guys? sonas & secondary sonas def off limits, mains will be super tent!! 



I’m pretty sure the first guy is pending sale just waiting on a reply but for Saturn I do like them! Would have to think on it tho a bit if youde consider but fine if not<3


Just bumping my last reply!

HEY sorry!! i dont think i wld do them for saturn <3

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I actually accepted an offer on her sorry fofo😭

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You poor soul😢

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Kinda vibing with trinket would u consider doing them for clarity? Not too sure abt the other 2 since I prefer swaps but understandable if not!!

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Yea!! May I do the same 

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Just curious abt this! I think I’d be down to trade if yes:]

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Hey pop artist morderisk can you draw me one art ok? Ok

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anyone here interests you for https://toyhou.se/20348688.brat :o ? i can offer multiple :] + a mix of money and some art too !!!

How much money and art can u do damn I love ur art sm,,

GASSH SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE TYSMM!!! i could offer maybe $15 + a shaded fullbody and a shaded halfbody ?? but lmk what u think!!! 

YOURE GOOD!! I’d take that actually I’ll dm u in a bit heehee

usd price for tally?

anyone in my th besides sippy-dom-bofo?

Umm I’d say $40? I can’t remember what exactly I did to get them but it’s around that for sure from what I remembered!! I liked https://toyhou.se/16710815.tbn btw!

i would need to add apart from that oc right? just making sure

Yes preferably:0

i think on it, i can of course add money but TFF is in a couple days and i wanna have munz the splurge 

Yea yea ur good!!

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I’ll get back to u in a bit but pretty sure they’re pending to my friend through a plan I just gotta make sure they’re still interested since they didn’t start paying yet:0

Coming back to ur offer! I did look in the link and I couldn’t find someone I feel I’d use a ton but curious on if youde do a usd and art offer together? If yes what would the range for money be

What are you most looking for on them? 


Trades! Probs won’t sell them unless if it’s $40+ I don’t think

Anyone in my th interested you? Most ufo only absolutely off limits are tagged "No" 

I can also offer art 


Or something to this effect fullbody


You own so many cute ocs omg,, just unfortunately not sure I’d rlly use anyone there enough to trade and absolutely adore your art I’m just unfortunately unsure if I’d take art alone since I’m a bit tent on that guy:(

If youde ever do a art + usd offer I’d highly consider accepting tho tbh

I can do art + usd 

How about $20 + art?

You can tell me whatever amount of art you feel would be fair and we can work from there

I’m down for this!! I can’t see the blink gifs profile it won’t show when I click on the link u sent:0

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Would you look at usd for them? https://toyhou.se/18491648.brooke

Possibly! Since I bought her I have not gotten a chance to draw yet but I’d maybe consider full resale 

I could do the full resale!!

I’ll lyk if I decide to sell them<3


these guys caught my eye possibly.. ould need to think on if id use first tho! id take art as a addon to either im just not sure which i like more atm



I can do both of them! 

I completely forgot abt thsi but I’ll get back to sometime today just wanna doodle both to see if I’d use

Sounds good! Ty for letting me know <3

Oops sorry for the wait but I’ll accept this! Can u send both to pinewilly pls

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These guys kinda caught my eye! Understandable if not since they were outside the tags



Either ways I’d have to think on it tho since I still feel I’d use brat

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Oh sorry abt that was confused by the folders but you're free to think on it

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OH completely forgot to reply I thought my message sent but I thought abt it and I’m unsure if I’d use Mew more than brat unfortunately:(

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Is KitKat open to offers?

Possibly! I’d need to finish paying them off before parting tho

What would you want for them?

Trades or usd

You’re free to look through my critters.  Aky, Neonpop, Beau are forever homed.


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Yea I think u did already sorry💔

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One did catch my eye tho I’m not too sure I’d use them do unfortunately not😭

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Hmm I’ll consider! I’m still fond of kuromi I was gonna move her to my mains folder but I’ll lyk what I decide! If I decide not to part would u instead just like to be on her pinglist?:0

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Ahh I rlly do adore rue and bear in just not 100% sure I would be willing to let go of sawyer 

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Do you see someone outside truesonas for https://toyhou.se/14643038.-skittles ? I can add $30!

I’m afraid I didn’t see anyone I’d use😭

Ty for looking anyways!

I didn’t see anyone but I’d maybe consider selling micky for $80 if that interests you? Not interested in selling the others rlly atm but yes I’d take a hold depending on how long:]

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I’m afraid nobody rlly interested me unfortunately:[

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heyo would https://toyhou.se/11065518.-amber https://toyhou.se/16685574.-miso https://toyhou.se/12050710.-care-bear interest you for malibu, steel, dallas, vera, rose, crybaby, hanako, or rowan ? i could probably do all 3 for one tbh if u like them :3  

I’m afraid none rlly interested me enough but just curious would u consider doing anyone else in ur th out of those I can trade crybaby maybe or probs rose since the others I prefer usd if I were to part:0

maybe!! :3 who are you interested in? i liked crybaby the most so its all good

I liked Mew and kandi!!:3 probs would have to doodle both to decide if youde consider for either<3

aaaahh i dont think id trade mew atm and kandi has an offer pending i rlly like :( im so sorry thank u so much for ur interest tho !!

Ur all good!! Ty for offering tho<3

would u consider pings on mew tho possibly..

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I do adore https://toyhou.se/19288451.sale-100 but I’m afraid I wouldn’t part with Rohan for them but I appreciate the offer💕

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I’m afraid I wouldn’t do either for them since I feel more connection to those guys but ty for the offer<3

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I didn’t see anyone outside those folders unfortunately!

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omg do u see someone in my th for anyone of them... https://toyhou.se/18066046.chlorine- https://toyhou.se/16882998.slushee- https://toyhou.se/18020719.orchid- if not i could offer money :3

I didn’t see anyone but I’d maybe consider usd offers on those guys how much can u do?:0

i could do like 10$/15$ for chlorine 7$ for slushee 15$/20$ for orchid I'm not sure about chlorine tho could i text u tomorrow after I've done some connection doodles or smth?

Hmm can I think on this I’m a bit unsure but I’ll get back to u on this!!!

ye ofc take ur time!! if u think that they're worth more i can make an higher offer 👍👍 I'm not really good with pricing stuff lol srry

I did forget to think abt this mb!! The doodle you did of orchid is so cute tho omg absolutely adore your style sm,,😭 I think I’m the most tent on orchid atm unfortunately but I can ping u for them if youde like just feel I’m not ready to sell him yet sadly!! I connect with them more then the other 2 but as for usd would $15-20 work for chlorine or I can take $15 for slushee?:0 Completely fine if not I just don’t think I’d take anything less than $15 for either

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I don’t think I’d do resale on her atm and she does come with extra art soon but I can lyk when that changes<3

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WHAT FOR KUROMI...... only off limits is Keith, I can add 100-200$(with a little hold) or even do full resale if I can 😭😭

Keith was only one that interested me sadly😭 I can think on full resale tho but honestly unsure since I still like her

qhshagsd okok!! I'm still attached to Keith 😭 i usually let go of characters pretty fast but Keith grew on me, if its still available later on I'll come back with full resale, tough lmk when you're ready to let kuromi go too!

Yea ofc I’ll lyk!!! And that’s understandable honestly 💀

You own sone pretty characters omg but I don’t think I’d really use the ones I liked much sadly 

aw that's alright, thanks for looking! 

ive liked https://toyhou.se/14189861.-parade for a LONG time 

see anyone in my offers for them :0 

and if not i can do art :smirk:

I didn’t see anyone in ur offers but I can consider the art maybe? Unsure since I think I’d rather swap/trade parade

oh yeah of course! lmk when u decide :D

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Um hmm I’d  haggle  the easiest to $120-125 on crybaby

I dont think I’d haggle on Rohan tho rlly but I’d maybe go down lowest to $450 on jester maybe $430?

we can discuss this in dms if it’s better if u find interest in one of them tho<3

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Ya ofc!! Take ur time

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If take the usd I think!!!:0

I’ll dm u in like a bit on disc if that’s ok<3

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I’m afraid I didn’t see anyone I’d give too much use to unfortunately 

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I’d say they’re abt $80? Have like one extra peice of art of them soon it’s like half done!!! I’ll look in ur th tho rn:0

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A few did catch my eye but I don’t think I’d use them particularly a lot apologizes!!

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no swag no bitches


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No sorry 

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My cute ghost👻

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I think I may have lost interest in crayon unfortunately 😭 not sure I’d use much now

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