January Monthly Prompt

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by MarshiesCafe

I really should have posted this earlier, but I was a bit busy with other things so... but here we go!

I did a poll over on Discord asking if you guys wanted monthly prompts, and the answer was yes so here we go! The idea is to just to give you guys random things to draw your characters doing in order to help bump species activity and help you guys develop your characters more if you're interested in giving them personality and character relationships!

Anyways, Happy New Years Marshie Enjoyers! It's officially 2023, so that's your prompt for this month! You can draw and/or write about your characters celebrating new years, making progress on their New Years Resolutions, or even getting ready to go back to School/Work after the Holiday Season! Or maybe even taking down the Holiday decorations if your Marshies/Creamies/Buzzies celebrated a holiday during the season!

Prompts get an extra 200 Cocoa Coins when submitting them for Cocoa Coins! The only requirement is that you draw at least a fullbody or write 500 words for the prompt! You have until January 31st at 11:59 PM to submit your work for this month's prompt, and then you'll get a new one for February on February 1st!


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