Marshies-Cafe's Bulletins

Donating Unwanted Marshie Designs

Posted 1 day, 48 minutes ago by CookieCloudss

This is a bit of a reminder for members of the Discord Server, but for those of you who don't know, we'll give 500 Cocoa Coins to those who give us more Marshie designs to give away for our Monthly and other raffles and events! This can be new designs made to donate (doesn't require a MYO slot), MYO design concepts you didn't use/don't plan to use, or even characters you own you just don't think you'll use! Just fill out the following form in order to donate them:

Link to image:
Artist Credit:
Designer Credit: (the username you want for us to use for you on the masterlist)
Traits: (ask for a full list of traits in ⁠the Help Desk Bulletin or the #help-desk channel in the discord server if needed!)

New Banking System

Posted 7 days, 23 hours ago by CookieCloudss

I meant to mention this earlier this morning with my other post but I kinda forgot tbh so LMAO

Anways... we are going to moving our old bank, found here, to the new website we're using for the species! At least, for those of you here on Toyhouse. I did a poll for the server members in the Discord Server and they wanted to keep tracking their items and Cocoa Coins using the bot we use in the Discord Server. But, I want to be able to move away from our old bank that we used for DeviantArt, and now Toyhouse. If you see your items on our old bank, please comment and let us know so we can transfer your stuff to the new site! 

Claiming FTO MYOs!

Posted 8 days, 7 hours ago by CookieCloudss

For the longest time, the FTO (First Time Owner) Rare MYO Slots have been locked behind joining the Discord Server. This was mostly because we tracked all of our items and Cocoa Coins through a bot in the Discord Server, which made it hard for us to log items and Cocoa Coins for members of the Species who were here in the Toyhouse World, but not in our server. We managed with a Google Doc, but we still never really had a place for Toyhouse World members to get your Free MYOs, but now we do!

If you do not already own a Marshie, please comment on this bulletin! We will make you an inventory on our Masterlist website for you to be able to track your items and Cocoa Coins! If you want us to use a different username for you on the site than you use here on Toyhouse, let us know in the comment!

Marshies Masterlist is BACK

Posted 10 days, 8 hours ago by MarshiesCafe

Welcome back to the Marshies-Cafe! Slowly but surely, we're bringing back species activity! And as a part of this... we've brought back the Masterlist! You can check it out here:

If you still need your Marshies uploaded to the Masterlist, check out this bulletin and fill out the form for us to upload them!

Help Desk

Posted 11 days, 8 hours ago by CookieCloudss

Don't mind me, I'm just setting up a new Masterlist and the website is requesting a link for a Help Desk and I wasn't sure where the best place to link to would be since I wanted an option that would be outside of Discord so! If you have any questions about the species and are unable to ask in the Discord Server, feel free to ask the questions here!

New Discord Feature

Posted 18 days, 1 hour ago by CookieCloudss

Hello everyone! We just made an announcement about this in the Discord Server so I wanted to announce it here as well (mostly as a way to advertise the Discord Server but y'know). Anyway, we have brought back a little feature known as daily loot! Once a day you can use a command to get a little reward, and we'll give it to you!

If you do join our server from this and you've gotten any Cocoa Coins or items from participating in the species from here on the Toyhouse World, just make sure you open a ticket in the server to have us transfer any of those items to you on Discord! And if you can't remember if you do own anything, you can check our bank here!

Species Revival Raffles

Posted 3 months, 24 days ago by CookieCloudss

Hi, it's me again! Just wanted to come in here and let you all know that I just posted a forum to advertise some raffles we have going on in the species to help advertise it and hopefully bring back some old members as well! We're trying to be active again, so make sure you go check out those raffles if you're interested!

March Monthly Prompt

Posted 3 months, 24 days ago by CookieCloudss

So... it's been over a year since the last time we did a monthly prompt. Our first and only monthly prompt, but there has been a little bit of talk of trying to revive the species and since I'm in a productive mood right now, I thought I would go ahead and post a new prompt to count for next month's prompt!

Since it's almost spring time again, this month's prompt is to draw your Marshies/Creamies/Buzzies enjoying being out in that warm sunlight again! How are they planning to enjoy the spring season?

Prompts get an extra 200 Cocoa Coins when submitting them for Cocoa Coins! The only requirement is that you draw at least a fullbody or write 500 words for the prompt! You have until March 31st at 11:59 PM CST to submit your work for this month's prompt, and then you'll get a new one for April on April 1st! Hopefully I remember this time.

Edit: I forgot to mention where to submit your prompts so LMAO. If you're in the Discord Server, make sure you submit your prompt in our #turning-in-art-for-cc channel. If you're not in the Discord Server, don't worry! We still have a place for you to turn in your art for Cocoa Coins, just make sure you go to this bulletin and fill out the form!

January Monthly Prompt

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by MarshiesCafe

I really should have posted this earlier, but I was a bit busy with other things so... but here we go!

I did a poll over on Discord asking if you guys wanted monthly prompts, and the answer was yes so here we go! The idea is to just to give you guys random things to draw your characters doing in order to help bump species activity and help you guys develop your characters more if you're interested in giving them personality and character relationships!

Anyways, Happy New Years Marshie Enjoyers! It's officially 2023, so that's your prompt for this month! You can draw and/or write about your characters celebrating new years, making progress on their New Years Resolutions, or even getting ready to go back to School/Work after the Holiday Season! Or maybe even taking down the Holiday decorations if your Marshies/Creamies/Buzzies celebrated a holiday during the season!

Prompts get an extra 200 Cocoa Coins when submitting them for Cocoa Coins! The only requirement is that you draw at least a fullbody or write 500 words for the prompt! You have until January 31st at 11:59 PM to submit your work for this month's prompt, and then you'll get a new one for February on February 1st!


Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by CookieCloudss

Now's your chance, go win a free Creamie!