Another Genuine Question: (READ)

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(ANON POLL) : Are my OC References Clear?

10 Votes Yes, most too all of them are clear to me!
17 Votes Yes, but only some of them are clear, some might be confusing
1 Votes No, all of them are confusing and you need to reformat you're references
0 Votes No, but you don't need any reformatting.
3 Votes No, but some can be considered clear
1 Votes (Comment?)
4 Votes More polls in 2023? (Poll results, no opinion, just want results)

Can't fit the question in the title but my genuine question: Are my OC references clear enough to understand? Or do they tend to get confusing?

Not calling any names, not wanting to stir up drama- From commissions to freebies sometimes people draw my OCS wrong and they tend to get the same features wrong many times on repeat (like for example one of my OCS have a specific hairstyle and people tend to draw her hair not in that specific hairstyle and it tends to be featured in some other styles that are not the original, and not many actually draw it correctly. That's a lot of words, but basically many times people draw the hair wrong and few have actually gotten it correct. I don't really mind hair though, it can just be seen as a different hairstyle. ) .

I don't blame any artist who worked with me or did free art for me, no- I don't! I am just curious about this- I wonder if this is because of my OC references and how they might not be clear? Might be confusing to work with?

Just vote in the poll if you think my OC references are clear, or are not clear, or some are clear and some art not (unless you select the option to comment) ! Thanks!


On another note- I haven't been feeling too well. Burnt out, stressed, and schoolworks been piled on top of me and it's just the first week back from winter break :"/ . And all while I am avoiding that debt list- But sometimes you find me in the Art Games? Explanation below spoilers, nothing triggering but I am just rambling:

Yeah, I am in a bit of a mentality of being pressured to make any art for a commission or trade the best it can be and not allow myself to experiment or rush due to the fact that it is either a commission or trade- And I have to usually make it fully rendered (which I am lacking the energy to do nowadays) or a full reference sheet which I also lack energy to do. I don't know how to explain this.

Despite this I do participate in the Art Games sometimes because then I can experiment or draw in a style I want to draw in, and maybe get art for my OCS while at it. I just want to update the people I owe are too: Please don't think I am running away from the owed art list- I think about doing it and getting it done everyday but I just can't seem to get my ass to work on them. I will get to work on them soon as I keep on avoiding it, but if I owe you anything, feel free to message me asking for an update. I do have Trello and you can always check the Trello (you can find it on my profile coding but heres the link too it) but also feel free to check in on progress. I can even agree to you asking me for an update every week or specified time. I am trying my best to get stuff done but unfortunately my brain is not letting me, but will get to it eventually...

 In the meantime you can always check my Trello or message me!  I swear I am not running away. But this "break" is really long and I am feeling guilty over it... So I apologize.

Okay ramblings done, hope you guys are having a great beginning of 2023 so far!


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Yeah, I do the same but my question stems from the fact that often when I get both free and commissioned art I either have the OC feature drawn wrong and I can't do anything about it because (it's free) OR I have to point out the same feature that the artist I am commissioning has drawn wrong and it just happens so often and for the same features to the point I am thinking my own references arent clear!

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This is funny because I got DM'd by someone who had a design from me and I ended up clarifying a few things on the character's references today!

I would say your references are pretty clear for the most part, although as someone pointed out, the watermark can make it pretty tough to get the colours right but it seems you got that resolved pretty much :sipstea:

I sometimes get issues with people getting things wrong (ex. MS Sirius's teeth) and to resolve that, I would usually add a doodle on the side which would clarify what exactly I'm looking for (example with MS Sirius here). I see that you already do this with your OCs for accessories and things like that, which is already good! I also notice that people don't tend to read design notes if it's on a profile, so I try to include them on the reference themselves as well if possible!

PERSONALLY I think your references are fine as is, but yeah it never hurts to clarify them more! It might also be because people draw things a bit different to fit their style (I do this sometimes too) but I can see why people not drawing things correctly can bother you (I get that way too especially if it's something like...Sirius's black sclera and his ponytail :sob: it's a very important part of him cries in spanish)

(oh and I wanted to mention this too but I sometimes clarify the hairstyle of a character too especially if they have a different one than normal! example with ShadowDarespark's Exsynth, for who I designed an alt design for)

OOOOH TYSM FOR THE ADVICE DEMI! I feel like my references are getting sort of unclear and aren't really references anymore if that makes sense and I want to change thing's up a bit, so I appreciate the advice!

My main concern is that people keep getting the same details wrong and just those details they tend to get wrong (and I have to clarify the same things over and over to those I commission or deal with it from a freebie) and I am like "is this because my reference is not clear???" like for example a lot of people tend to draw Valentias hair wrong (like it's a high ponytail, tucked behind her hat, weird hair logic I need to clarify one day LMAO) or sometimes do not make my characters heterochromatic which a detail like that WOULD bother me because even if you must change something for you're style like,,, please make my heterochromatic characters heterochromatic WHEEZE

I do want to try to make side and back references for my characters one day, and maybe I should do the doodle thing like you because that's SMART- Okay done rambling thanks for coming to my TED talk Demi LJSKGHJKS

Oh yeah when it comes to eyes, that's also a bit complicated BAHAHAHA some people get the eye colors wrong! Pretty funky :endgame: for that I would probably add an eye reference with the color palettes though I'm not 100% sure on this because not that many of my OCs have heterochromia aside from Nightfallen for who I had to clarify his eyes for LMAO



I personally think all of your oc references are pretty clear! For the hair situation, maybe you could make a reference of their back so people can see their hair better, or just a little reference of the character's hairstyle.

Also, I'm sorry you've felt so bad lately. I hope you'll be able to get through the hard times! :D

Might make it a new years resolution to have back and side references for my OCS /hj , make it a proper reference- And thank you!

theyre all clear to me!! for me personally (cant say behalf on others but they might think the same way as me so thought id note it) i just find it quite hard to read things with big watermarks (I TOTALLY GET WHY YOU PUT THEM OVER THE REFS THO!!) and that makes me look at other art the characters already have, and if those features are drawn wrong on there it just continues if you get what i mean

maybe having clear ref options for those you comm/freebies and others would be good? like instantly authorizing them for it maybe? (to those who get overwhelmed like me) on that note though another little edit, could i be authed >:D?

also i hope you feel better soon! youre a great person and i hope you know that!!! <3

AHHH I see! Watermarks might also be the problem, I might consider that sort of solution and sure! I got to make a list for authing people for that purpose- And thank you so much!

thank you so much!! <3 i hope it could help! i personally dont see any problems with your references, but im sure something like the person said above me would help!!