I forget that my images have watermarks on them and that contribute to the recent issue I posted on my last Bulletin and in general maybe I need to Authorize more people in case I would go on Quiet Mode or something happens

If you want me to Authorize you, comment below on this Bulletin!  

Being Authorized on the list I am making will allow you to view all reference images without a watermark and all my images on my TH OC galleries without watermarks as well. I may not authorize all people due to the fact that I cannot make it so that only reference images are viewable without watermarks and not all images on my OC galleries but I will likely authorize you if you ask!  (theft risk ;;)

If for some reason I do not authorize you and you still want to draw my OCS, you can DM me and I can give you the unwatermarked image via a DM! 


This user is not visible to guests.

You are authed!

This user is not visible to guests.
This user is not visible to guests.

//slides inside asking for getting authorized, pretty please >w

Ofc! You are now authorized! :D

perfect :D

This user is not visible to guests.

You are now authed! :D

id love to be authorized >:]



I'd like to authorized if possible!

You are now authorized! :D

bites you

I HAVE BEEN BITTEN but you are already authed! Unless you can't see the images with no watermarks? 


It's just last I checked they had watermarks, but yeah I can see the images with no watermarks now!

Alright, glad they have no watermarks and it works LOL