Ashen Contract

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by junijwi

EDIT: WHOA! The group is open for apps!!

Yo! Just a signal boost for the up and coming RP group, Ashen Contract

[Ashen Contract] is a collaborative roleplaying game inspired  primarily by the game Arknights. It will be composed of 4 chapters, each  with two freeform ‘threading’ periods and one structured ‘operation’  period, cumulating in an encounter against the power roles hidden within  the cast. 

Apps will open on March 15th.

If you've ever heard of mutual killing games, it's like that without the murder! If you haven't, an MKG is a murder mystery games (like. if you made Among Us or Mafia but for RP) with a limited (16-20) cast of characters and highly character driven storytelling. Frequently, "power roles" secretly shape the plot by masterminding the circumstances of the game, and the mystery is unveiled over a series of highly structured chapters for players to participate in.

The mods for AshCon have a lot of experience running this kind of game, and AshCon is their first spin on a campaign without the murder element an MKG might have-- they're dubbing it a TLG or time limited game.

I really enjoy these games because the limited length of the campaign and the structured format really helps drive along character development towards a satisfying ending. Players keep their character's backstory mostly secret, and learn about the other characters in a very natural and organic way.

The hardest part about these games is that applications are competitive because mods choose small rosters in order to foster a tight knit story. If you end up applying, don't feel bad if you don't get in, it's not a reflection of your character-- many times, a character may just not mesh as well with the chosen roster or overarching story themes. There are frequently amazing apps that are best saved for other/future campaigns too.

I just wanted to put out an announcement because being in just one of these kinds of games really did a huge benefit to my creative drive and burnout recently, (lmao if youve noticed me spamming content of Berceuse and wondered wtf that was about, that's why) the community is really amazing in that a lot of people here care more about storytelling than 'winning' and are really considerate, and I know some people have been looking for RP groups now that dA is dead. I'll likely continue to put up bulletins as more games crop up too (there tend to be quite a few each year, which helps with the limited roster size and limited duration of the game).


Pinging thewolvenhall 86koi o7