UFT PURGE (lf art, design, points)

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by RAWRBARKS

I have a lot of characters collecting dusts, I realized I should clean up and so I have put a bunch of designs and characters uft/ufs.

Most of the designs are either free or easy/non-tentative. Tentative characters aren't too hard to snag, I just value them slightly more. The folder has examples of prices in art/design and points.


I suggest offering on their profiles, but you can also offer on this post. Just make sure not to offer on my profile as I will likely not remember where you placed your offer (sorry!)


where can i find this?

This is a p old post. Here's a more updated purge https://toyhou.se/24468365.toyhouse-purge-want-gone

okay! ^^

Hi! I'm interested in a few of your characters, I hope it's ok to comment on this post for this still <3

Are you possibly interested in anyone from my Up for offers + Limbo (tentative) folders? :>

Would you be willing to trade https://toyhou.se/12523262.machi, https://toyhou.se/10274091.stan-, https://toyhou.se/18811939.tbn, for all 8 (xusho, beetlebug, cheso, mique, night time, night, aspen, and breve)?

Ok funny story I was planning to ask if u wanted a character of mine I don’t rlly use! So I’ll definitely look and offer them if i see anyone I like !

Oops didn't see this earlier! I'd be willing to trade someone for https://toyhou.se/12896922.gator-dog-ota-1 if any characters I have uft interest you ^^

Omg u can totally have them, I’ll dm u the other character I mentioned too!!