Hey y'all, I' bad at posting bulletins, but for a general life catchup, things have been good, nothing too crazy, been playing a lot of magic the gathering lately haha Went to the phyrexia all be one and it was super fun. I love cardboard fghfjg. Other than that my brain has been spinning with some random ttrpg ideas because I've been listening to a lot of Friends at the Table. I ordered the source book for Heart: The city beneath and I'm really excited to peek into it and work on the world ideas i have :3

Some other random updates, art wise I am planning on revamping my commission prices soon (mostly just to like separate feral vs anthro art, since anthro takes me more time), I haven't really been posting art anywhere, I feel like I don't really like posting it on twitter and I just haven't found a better place I like. Might start posting it all on Inkblot but I have no idea how active that site is (if anyone knows anything about it, let me know!) or possibly restarting a tumblr art blog... we shall see! Other than that, I have been working on puppillars, owed art, and adopts upcoming I will be making a few adopts including:
- A few mystery adopts for a group sale on Moderneopets
- A few on base adopts for Puppillars, for the Wanderer's Glade feature
- A few puppillar adopts to raise funds for the site fees for Puppillars and Fanteles
- possibly a few random furry adopts, though these will be low priority, seeing as all three adopts from my halloween set are still available 😰

ANYWAY... on to other various bits and bobs for the various projects I work on...

Puppillars is having an ongoing plot this year, developing its lore and having fun monthly prompts and mini activities for people to participate in! The second plot step is happening now, but all the plot steps will be open indefinitely for anyone to complete at thier own pace! It's also the 4th anniversary of puppillars, so we have a free gift people can claim until the end of the month ;D
Current plot step post: https://puppillars.com/news/60.plot-lets-dive-into-some-research
4th Anniversary post: https://puppillars.com/news/61.happy-4th-anniversary-puppillars

Fanteles is back from Hiatus, and will have some new content in the next few months! To celebrate, we are holding a raffle for some lovely Fanteles and Fainaras, as well as a Blossom (new-ish baby version of Fanteles!)
Raffle info here: https://fanteles.com/news/29.hiatus-end-raffle


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