🌈 Permanent Offer/Trade Bulletin 🤝

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Urielz

🌈 Permanent Offer/Trade Bulletin 🤝
Design preferences | wishlist | Market folder
Please read my design preferences before offering ocs

  • Do NOT offer on ocs with these tags: "foreverhomed", "offlimits" & "nm"
  • Do not offer customs/adopts by you unless I follow you/have shown interest in your designs before
  • Declining to trade an oc you didn't mention as offlimits/tent = block
  • No reply within 24hrs after I listed ocs I liked/accepted your offer = block
  • Ghosting/backing out/changing your mind = block (Includes deleting offer)
  • I won't accept only art/da pts for pop designs & will be tent when considering resale. Especially if I've not drawn them yet (pop designs have the "pop" tag!)
  • I will not take only art/da pts for ocs worth $30+
  • Holds available for ocs $50+ (1 week max)
  • Payment plans available for ocs $100+ (1 month max, requires non-refundable downpayment of $50)
  • Backing out of a hold/payment plan = immediate block & blacklist
  • Wishlist ocs > Fav designer ocs > USD > Other ocs > DA points > Art
    Fav designers: Knite > Mallkayz > Zorbia > Auske > Survuls
  • USD is via Paypal, Cashapp, Venmo or Kofi!
  • "ufo" tag = Open for sale/offers, want gone!
  • "y" tag = More willing to part with (Might be tent/picky with some)
  • "eo" tag = Entertaining offers (Extremely tent/picky or not ready to let go)
  • Don't be surprised if I ignore/decline your offer
  • Don't ask what I'd consider/accept or what I'm looking for, I honestly don't know
  • I am EXTREMELY picky with ocs & artstyles
  • If I haven't drawn an oc yet, I may not let them go, feel free to offer anyway though
  • Max amount of art you can offer is 3 per oc (provide examples + prices)
  • You have 1 month max to finish said art unless discussed otherwise beforehand
  • Failure to keep me updated/ghosting will result in me canceling the trade regardless of if you started or not
  • I should not always have to dm you first to receive updates. A weekly/biweekly update made by yourself is much appreciated
  • The character will not be transferred to you until all art has been sent to me as well as anything else you owe me
  • Art must be sent uncropped/heavily watermarked*
  • I do not accept traditional art, sorry
*Heavily watermarked = a large watermark/scribble/lines over the full piece to hide the art

If you have a question not answered here feel free to comment/dm me to ask!

Q: Do you do pings/can I be pinged?
A: I do! Any ocs with the "pingable" tag you may ask to be pinged for!
I also notify subs when ocs go ufo, but it can get spammy, be warned
My OC pinglist can be seen HERE

Q: Would you ever be willing to sell/trade [OC]?
A: Depends on their tags!
"y" tag = definitely sometime in the future once I've drawn them!
"eo" tag = Maybe, it depends if I feel connected once I draw them
"offlimits" tag = Very unlikely, and if I do I'd probably be extremely tent/picky
"pop" tag = Extremely unlikely. If I decide to sell it'll be full price, if I decide to trade I'd only consider wishlist/fav designers/other pop designs

Q: Can I link multiple folders/ocs when offering?
A: Yes absolutely! I don't mind multiple links
I only care if your folders have folders (ex: separated by species, such as canine, feline, human, etc.)

Q: Will you consider art offers for [Pop design]?
A: Never. I prefer new ocs over anything, even usd for pop designs
I will most likely look at wishlistfav designers, swaps & other pop designs


Hi ! Anyone in my th for Moon ? Kinsen, Maverick, & TBN are currently off-limits since they are on cooldown, but if you're interested in one just lmk and I'll lyk what I decide when they're off :3 

Was also wondering if I could get a ping on this guys unless you'd EO on them?  Paint, Mercury, Riko & Chai ^__^

Hi!! Sadly I didn't see anyone that interested me ^^ I appreciate your offer tho!

And I added you to the pinglist for all of them! <3

No worries, thank you for looking! ^__^

Anyone in my TH? except sonas. along with a shaded full and chibi for hunter


Hi!! If by "sonas" you mean the folder named "sonas" then I saw like 3 ocs I liked! (but the one I liked most is pending) ^^
But if you meant the entirety of the "★ ⭑ 1 ⭑ ★" folder, then sadly nobody interested me!

I would!

Then i can do him!

Okay! :> I'll send over Hunter!


Anyone outside of RP for them? Aphelion and Vesper off limits.


Also could offer anyone in active/storage for them (Stargazer off limits)

Hi!! Only oc I liked was Starburst but I wouldn't trade any of the top 3 for them sorry!

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I like https://toyhou.se/22627832.65 !

I'm willing to let go of anyone you listed ^^

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Absolutely! :>
I'll send them over now!

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I'm interested in Archie!! I'd be willing to trade nugget for them! :>

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Tysm! Sent nugget over!

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hiya! would you consider offers on them? https://toyhou.se/22948881.spark

i can offer their worth in USD or someone here (or combination of both depending on who!)

I don't mind to trade them!

I'll accept this then!! I'll send over Spark! :3

sent them over ^^

thank you! if you ever take pings or anything for them if you decide you no longer want, i'd love to be pinged, but no worries or anything if not!

Thank you!!! I'll try to remember to notify you but I don't do pings! I'll prob add a note somewhere to lyk tho! :3

1 Replies

Hello! I’m interested in https://toyhou.se/3620411.akari , would someone from https://toyhou.se/Eevie_Inky/characters/folder:2652726 interest you? I’m more tentative with those in money/mixed due to me preferring sale for them, though I do have some pop designers in there! Jus lmk!

Hiii!! The only character I found interest in was the Knite but they're worth waaay more than Akari, but tysm for offering anyways

I could consider the Knite! I did see some other ocs I liked if you’d do multiples? But I could also consider just one-for-one alone!!

Edit; the main one I adored was https://toyhou.se/11145804.chai since they weren’t necessarily tagged with anything to put them off limits- I’d totes be down to trade the feline Knite for them and Akari? Or possibly even just Chai, I love them both! I’m also open to doing it where it’s a locked trade so the OCs would only go back to you!!

HII sorry for the late reply i was sleeping

I'm very tent with Chai as he has some sentimental value to me, I don't think I'd trade him unless I was offered a dreamie :<
I appreciate your interest tho! <3

Could I dm via discord or something? I might have other dreamies of yours or be able to do 3-ways ! Sorry if this is a bother to u at all HSJSNS

Edit; maybe alternatively https://toyhou.se/9969475.shiro and Akari? The feline Knite I have is worth $405 I’m just taking less in USD if it’s a USD offer (you can check the worth log tab to verify this)

I do have another Knite as well that I could tentatively consider if they interest you for chai? But ofc I understand if not! I can still consider the feline Knite for akari either way, but having your discord in that case would still be helpful for faster communication (https://toyhou.se/12148800.suzu?key=bPNVdhJ2gwz4p67)

My dreamies are all in my dreamies fav folder! I don't think you have any of them (by dreamies I mean the 100% and the 70% folders!)

ALSO sorry for the late reply I got busy :<
The same thing goes for Shiro I prob wouldn't trade him unless its a dreamie

the other knite is really cute too but I wouldn't trade chai or shiro for them
Sorry :<

5 Replies

Would you look at oc/art offers for https://toyhou.se/14919931.twix

Hii! Sorry no he has the offlimits tag (Plus I dont take art offers for ocs worth $30+ or pop designs)

Only ocs you can offer on are ones here:


No worries!

I'll buy full $60 price just need a little hold till Friday [dm you on Discord about it too, just wanna do it here as well]


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I don't think I'd take art alone for Candy sadly since they're a pop design,, and I think I'd prefer to draw them first to determine connection since I'm a bit iffy on letting them go still
but I rlly appreciate ur interest <3

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Hihi! sadly I didn't see anyone I liked but tysm for offering :3

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Didn't see anyone I'd use sadly, but ty for offering!


i would love to offer someone from here: https://toyhou.se/LoopyDaLamb/characters/folder:2462151 only offlimits are Josh and Navi i can do multiple depending the oc! if not i can offer $40!


same offer as before but with the $30 instead of 40!

Hai! :3

sadly I couldn't find anyone I liked :<
and I wouldn't take $40 for an oc worth twice as much ($80)

as for Frankie,, I'm not entirely sure if i'll sell her yet I still need to draw her ><;
I appreciate ur interest tho!! :3

i was going off of the original worth of the character especially since no art has been added since ^_^ but i understand!

Oh I see.. the oc is still worth $80 regardless if art was added or not tho! /nm

I got this oc via trade & my side of the trade was worth the $80 value of this oc so the oc is 100% worth $80, but I see where you're coming from! :>

I'm sorry I don't own the oc you linked? Did you paste the wrong link? 😭😭

I just checked thru the links you provided and I don't see anyone I like regardless + your style doesn't interest me but I do appreciate the interest in whatever oc you were interested in!!

oh oopsies i have too many tabs open :,D

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Hihi!! Sadly I didn't see anyone I liked but tysm for offering!<3

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Sorry no, he's worth $50, I dont allow only art/da pt offers on ocs worth $40+
I appreciate the offer tho!!! :>

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sadly I wouldnt take customs sorry!
I'm very picky with designers and there's only a small handful I'm interested in :<

but tysm anyways<3

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Would you take art or maybe oc offers for this guy?

For art, I can offer; A pixel chibi a fullbody, and an icon!

Or anyone in DJpound!

Sadly I wasn't able to find anyone I liked :<
and your art is really cute but I don't think I'd take only art for Ceto atm

I appreciate the offer tho!! <3

I understand! Anyone in my secondaries on this profile?

Sadly I didnt see anyone that caught my eye but tysm again for offering! :3

Np!! Ty anyway 💕

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I prob wouldn't take art atm (i dont rlly have any ocs i actively am seeking art for atm)
Also I wouldnt trade Liam, Nugget, or Chip, & im tent/unsure abt Xyla & Chiya but I'm def willing to part with ayla!

I do like this silly tho https://toyhou.se/18215126.nyx !

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Epic!! I'll send Ayla over!! :D

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got it thank u!! :3

https://toyhou.se/15919326.kenzie I can offer anyone in my th for this fella! Only folders 00 and 01 are offlimits!

Hai!! Sadly I didn't see anyone I liked but tysm for offering!

no worries!!

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Hai sadly I won't be selling him anytime soon but ty for offering :3

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Hai!! Unfortunately I didn't see anyone I liked but tysm for offering! 💙

hello! i can offer art (https://toyhou.se/SPARKNIGHT/art) and/or any characters in here https://toyhou.se/SPARKNIGHT/characters/folder:1565561 + https://toyhou.se/SPARKNIGHT/characters/folder:3824022 for elijah! https://toyhou.se/19326677.elijah sorry for all the links gahh thank you in advance for looking!!!

Hai! sadly I didn't see anyone I liked, and your style is cute but i'm not interested, sorry !
tysm for offering tho!! <3

hiii thank you for looking <3

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hihi!! sadly I don't think im ready to let go any of the ocs you listed but tysm for offering <3

I really liked these ones! I’ll put a spoiler just cuz there is a lot ;.; u have so many cuties omg

i could offer anyone here! https://toyhou.se/KoriisLove/characters/folder:3972558 if any interest u i could also add on art ^7^

Hihi! sadly I didn't see anyone I liked, but tysm for offering!
Also please read the bios of ocs to make sure their profile doesnt mention not to offer!

Atlas & Arch have this warning on their profile! /nm

ohhhh sorry mb!! but ty for looking! ^_^

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Hihi! you had one guy i found cute but I wouldn't trade any of the ocs you listed for them sadly
I appreciate ur offer tho!! <3

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Yeah! I liked this fella! and ofc! tysm again for offering c:

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its fine dw!! i don't mind mass offers JDSKDJ

sadly I wouldnt trade them either,, i love them all a lot,, but tysm for offering again i rlly appreciate ur interest in my beloveds :3

4 Replies

Hiya! I’m interested in this fella! https://toyhou.se/16758367.sunny I just wanted to ask if you’d consider a sale, I can offer to pay their $30 worth price ^^ 

Hai! unfortunately I'm not ready to sell/trade him! He's also linked to another oc via relationship (brother) so I am less likely to ever let him go, but I appreciate your interest!! :3

All good! Thanks for letting me know! ^^

Hey! Does https://toyhou.se/7337882.arch only cost 70 as of today? Cause if so I'd be interested in buying them for 60! (They've been such a dreamie to me for the longest time now :0)

Hi!! Yes Arch is worth $70 atm :]

Unfortunately though I'm not ready to sell/trade her but I appreciate your interest & offer! tysm ^^

I see! No worries and thank you so much for responding! Is it fine if i get pinged if she ever goes up for offers? :0

I don't do pings anymore sadly!

only way to be notified when my ocs go ufo is to be a subscriber with oc notifs on

Oh i see! Ill probably do that then :]

Hi! Slightly nervous to comment here (unsure why >~< 

I am interested in https://toyhou.se/19056946.jasper

And I’m curious if you’d ever be willing to sell them ? 

(I’m super sorry if I misread something in your bulletin, the text is hard for me to read due to the format on my side and I misread words a lot!!) 

Hihi!! At this moment I don't think I'll sell him anytime soon! (Still connected)

But tysm for your interest! :]

Heyo! is there a chance that someone other than daydream n cole interest you for https://toyhou.se/16757229.tropi ? I can offer usd but you probs wont take that assuming!

hihi!! :3

sadly I don't think I'd trade/sell Tropi anytime soon, he's one of the ocs that are linked to another via relationship (he's got a brother) & I don't really like separating ocs linked together
Tysm for offering tho! :3

Thank you for telling me! :D

hi! i wanted to try to offer on kenji again if that's okay >_<
https://toyhou.se/21008815.archer qngel design that i heavily edited (w permission he's my bestie >:0)
https://toyhou.se/21911538.tbn same designer as kenji
https://toyhou.se/21868445.hai-sam same designer as kenji
https://toyhou.se/samantha/characters/folder:2707480 excluding pending
https://toyhou.se/12157221.tess and i also possibly have her if she interests you but i might be more tent :0
i could also perhaps offer $40 as an add on to my offer ^^

hihi!! :3

You have some cute ocs fr but sadly nobody I'd trade Kenji for :(
tysm for offering again tho it makes me happy to know u rlly like Kenji as much as I do /gen ^^

JSHAJHDH thank you for looking again :'3 i'm glad i'm not being a bother <3

OFC!! and nono dw ur not being a bother at all! ^^

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Hai! Sadly I'm not ready to sell or trade atlas but ty for your interest! :>

hii! i was wondering if you ever had them ufo if i could buy them? https://toyhou.se/16770996.zani

I don't do pings but if they do go UFO i always notify subs when an oc goes UFO
So if you see them UFO and want to buy them yeah :]

Just to lyk I plan to add at least 1 piece of art to all the ocs i have, so they'll be worth more than $15 when I decide to sell/trade them

alr :]

hi! i really liked this guy!


i have someone from your wishlist as well! https://toyhou.se/20644420.purisum

im also interested in this guy 👁️ https://toyhou.se/16758367.sunny

i can do 30$ and any amount of art/customs for them!

Hai again! Unfortunately, Sunny has a relationship (brother), so I'm probably not going to be letting him go anytime soon, if at all

but tysm for offering again :]

alrighty! thank you so much anyways!

hihi! :3 Sadly I wouldn't trade Cup for them (I like cup more + he has more art) but ty for offering <3

hihi none of the ocs interested me and I wouldn't take art alone for these guys but tysm for offering :3




I can offer someon from my th 

"." Is mostly tent and off limit

Also here pOkie2_  you can see here too

"♡" firts 5 are off limit <3

I apologize if anyone is off limit D:!

I can also add art if is necessary :D

hihi I didn't see anyone I liked but ty for offering :]

thanks to you :D

they're all pretty cute but I wouldnt trade raimu for any of them
tysm for offering tho!!

OH adding on, I checked their worth logs and from what I saw none of them match his worth (unless one is worth more that's not seen) Not even all 3 would be completely fair for him /lh

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Hai unfortunately I'm not ready to let her go yet but tysm for your interest:]

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hihi! unfortunately I didn't see anyone i liked, but tysm for offering! :>

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Would they interest you for Chai?

Hai! they're cute but unfortunately I wouldn't trade chai for them, but tysm for offering!


Hihi! Unfortunately neither interested me but tysm for offering! :>

Hihi! Sadly neither of those characters interest me, but tysm for offering!

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Unfortunately they're the only one.

Also please read my bulletin rules next time, it tells users:

  • Don't say "anyone in my th" or "anyone in this/these folder(s)" if you aren't willing to trade any oc I list. If you do this you will be added to my temp blacklist
/lh /nm
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Does someone in here (including Limbo) interest you for Prism? :0

hihi!! unfortunately I didn't see anyone I liked, but tysm for offering!

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im not ready to part with keoni yet, and as for dagger im a bit tent due to sentimental value
I really liked https://toyhou.se/13995587.serena ! I think i'd be willing to trade dagger for them :3

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Alr!! I'll accept this then :] I'll send over dagger

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got it tysm! 

Hihi, for https://toyhou.se/15894743.harlow I can offer anyone in this folder: https://toyhou.se/Ariess/characters/folder:3984906 only off-limits are Luca and Babe :)

Hihi!!! You had a few cuties but nobody I would trade for Harlow unfortunately!

Thank you for offering tho!

no worries! Would you possibly do their worth? :o

Unfortunately I'm not sure if I'm willing to let him go yet :( my apologies but I really appreciate the interest! 💙

No worries! Have an amazing day/night! :)

hello, i rlly like blake! i can offer her https://toyhou.se/12601378.kodaline

or feel free to look through my th

hai!! sadly I didn't see anyone I liked, but tysm for offering! <3


Hiya! I was interested in the bab does anyone in my toyhouse interest u? I may be able to add art if needed! <33

I might be able to do chiya would i need to add any art to it tho? Gen question ^^

nah u dont need to add art !

Aight i would be down to trade chiya then if ur down! 👁️👁️✨

okok!! I'll send em' over now :3

I love https://toyhou.se/19534574.gloomy so much aa
Any interest in $100 for him?

Hi!! :3
Sadly I don't think I'm ready to part with Gloomy yet! :( Sorry!!
But thank you for your interest!! <3

Totally alright, he's a great character XD

If you have a ping list or anything that could notify if you ever decide to receive offers on Gloomy, I'd love to be added to it! Completely valid if not tho XD

Sadly I don't do pings anymore ! :(
I do notify my subs when an oc goes ufo (by updating their profile & notifying subs)

that's the only way to see when an oc goes ufo!

Oh sick! Then subbed ^^

For Horus does anyone without the forever homed tag (you can still link everyone that interests you including peeps in forever homed, just to give me a better idea of what you like!) Interest you?


Also don't feel discouraged to look in my unsorted characters, they're still ok to choose from I just haven't figured out where to put em yet so they're still completely ok to choose from!

Also what kind of art would you be looking for with her?

Hopefully im in the right place! :] 

hai!! sadly I didn't really see anyone I really liked :(
as for art, I'm not looking for anything specific. I'm just accepting art offers if I like their style! (I'm picky)

Also!! Horus is explicitly ufo! so offers should be here instead! This specific bulletin is for ocs who aren't explicitly ufo (aka ocs in my "mains" folder!)

/lh /nm 

Oops sorry! I'm a bit confused currently

Ty for looking though! I might offer art when I get a bit better with it and with a smaller queue 

But thank you again! It's much appreciated!!

I'll be sure to offer in the right place next time 😅

Offering for gloomy and dino, do u perhaps see any1 from my th? Truesonas off ^^

hai! you have a few cuties but nobody i'd trade gloomy or dino for sorry :( tysm for offering tho!

yo! i adored this kid sm [: https://toyhou.se/20484904.paint 

do lmk if art/usd interests you for them! 

recent art ex since my art tab is a mess:




hihi! unfortunately I'm not ready to let go of this lad yet :( but thank u for your interest!

Hey ! I love zero (i know they are in mascots so no sweat if your very ten, I thought id try tho !)

I can offer characters here or here, possibly can do multiples or an art/USD add on !

hihi!!! sadly i didnt see anyone I liked :( but tysm for offering!!

Ooo! Is there a chance that I can offer fruit n maybe someone else in my th + usd for kenji?

Hihihi,,, the only other oc i liked was Epic and Scythe

I'm not sure I'd trade Kenji for fruit + USD (or even just upright sell him) since i'm pretty tent w him
Thank you for offering tho! :3

Alright thanks for looking!

i'm intrested on Atlas!

can i offer you art and characters on this folder?

art examples

Sadly nobody interested me but thank u for offering anyways!!!

does anyone other than sage interest you for these guys? might not trade specifc ocs due to worth gaps but!





You had a few cute ocs but nobody I'd trade any of the ocs you listed for!!! Thank u for offering tho :3

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Hihi!! I sadly didn't see anyone I liked, but thank you for offering!! <3

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hihi!! Unfortunately I don't think I'm ready to sell Blake yet :( I'm really sorry
(Plus he had a fullbody shaded scene who's value was unaccounted for, so he's worth much more)

I really appreciate your interest and offer though!! <3

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Hai!! :3 sadly your style doesn't interest me :(

but tysm for offering! <3

hai!! sadly I didn't see anyone I really liked ><
tysm for offering tho!! :3

if you'd consider resale could you let me know? i could most likely be able 2 pay upfront :D

no promises as I no longer do pinglists but I'll try to remember! :3

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Hihi! I didn't see anyone I liked and I don't think I'd sell him atm :(

I'm too tent with him to let him go yet

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for https://toyhou.se/14460261.yui

anyone in my th? also i can add art

Hihi sadly I didn't see anyone I liked/would take for Yui! Tysm for offering tho

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hi!! sadly I didnt see anyone I liked 

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Sadly I didn't see anyone I liked >_<;

tysm for offering tho!

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Hello! sadly I accepted someone else's offer for Raine! I appreciate your interest though! <3

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Does anyone here possibly interest you for Casper? (: 


Sadly no :(

Didn't see anyone, sorry

For https://toyhou.se/10154775.pilot

does this knite design interest you :0?


the knite is really cute but I don't think I'd use them much :( sorry! ty for the offer tho, i appreciate it !

Thats okay! Thank you sm for looking into my offer :]]!!

I really like https://toyhou.se/15237889.vammi

I can offer oc from here: https://toyhou.se/mewpiu/characters/folder:3603786

You can take more than one if you like! <3

sadly nobody interested me :(

okay! tysm for looking tho!


does someone in my th interest you for this character? No No Square offlitmits<3

Unfortunately I didn't see anyone I liked sorry

hi there helloo 2 shaded full bodies of any char u want art for and a shaded icon for also any oc. (offering for yk who) if u wanna see art examples go here ^^ shading for art is a lil outdated, if u need more before u accept i understand :D tysmm <3

sadly nobody you have interested me! ty for offering tho

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Sadly nobody interested me :(
And your art doesn't either, sorry.. thank u sm for offering tho! <3

https://toyhou.se/19596110.angie For them! I could offer art (any mix of 3 pecies so can be ship art, shaded fulls/norm fulls, ect!) or someone from my toyhouse! Offlimits would be sonas and closed species folder, and anyone with the X tag in the mains folder!

Unfortunately the only one who interested me was the knite (Xeno)

Your art doesn't interest me either

Tysm for offering tho :>

for chip i have ocs here i could offer, im willing to do multiples for some as well! i also have characters here although more tentative and less likely to offer more than 1-2 depending on who they are

only 2 ocs I saw and liked were them



Though im unsure if I'm willing to trade chip yet

alright, no worries! i appreciate you getting back to me regardless :)