Privating more characters

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Wingspan

You may or may not have noticed that several of my characters are missing now. I have not deleted them! They are only set to private for the time being. I tend to hold off on stories for a while and occasionally lose interest (as sad as it is). Elemental Tales, Legend of Artifact, and Runaway have been on hiatus for a long time and to reduce some of the clutter on my Toyhouse I decided to private all of them, along with my Pokémon characters as well whom I’ve not used in a long time. I can’t promise they will be updated again. Only time will tell. I just don’t have the time to focus on a lot of characters at once and would rather prioritize Deckrealm, Hope, and some of my misc characters. 

I’m considering privating my Mugushi and Griffolk as well because I’m not using them at this moment (simply too busy to participate much in ARPGs anymore) but since they are community characters I’ll probably keep them up for the time being. Feel free to tell me what you think.

By the way, all art will still be kept on my Deviantart. That place is very much a public archive and I probably won’t private anything there anytime soon.


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