March Bulletin

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Kuuraokami


OK! HI! Hope everyone's doing well! I know my March went off on a rocky start. 

As you may or may not know, I will be mostly inactive on socials soon. Soon... Around mid-march or the end of March, I won't be checking For those who owe me art payments and won't get done in March... you can message me on discord with the art, which I may be able to see when I'm out of town (and then I may be able to log into TH to transfer the character). Don't stress it, it'll probably all work out! While I won't leave discord, I am thinking about leaving (or muting?) the larger discord servers temporarily. If you need my discord, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I think you can find me on several art servers. Yay, contact!


Commissions are closed, HOWEVER. Right now in early March, I'm not as busy as I thought I'd be. If you want to commission me, please ask and I can let you know if I can. Also my head shots are 10 bucks instead of 5. I upped them. Yum money... Speaking of, thanks to everyone who commissioned me during Janurary and Feburary! I really appreciate it!


Feel free to advertise your own commissions/adopts, or a character of yours you want everyone who sees this bulletin to also see. ^.^


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