
Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by cowbble


This is a ping list I’ve created for any of my future character resales/trades.

You are always still welcome to offer on characters at any time, though I may be tentative to accept offers. If I am 100% looking to sell or trade a character, that is what this pinglist is for.

If I own a character you’re interested in and you’d like to be alerted if I ever decide to resell/trade them then just comment below with a list of any of the characters you're interested in and I'll add you to the list !!

If I ever decide to part with one of the characters I'm reselling, I will almost always take USD priority over trades (if I'm able to sell) but I'm always open to trade offers ~ I'm also open to payment plans when reselling, but again, those who can pay straight away are more favoured !!

【 *Please note that by being added to this list I am not saying I am definitely going to resell the character, this is just a list for those interested in knowing if I ever plan to.* 】


hii if its ok id love to be pinged for this chara ^_^b love ur profile code btw!

I’m hoping I read correctly but would loved to be pinged for them!! 🙇:

- https://toyhou.se/18500379.---fang

Yes ofc I'll add you when I get the chance!!! <3

Thank you so much!!! 🫶🏽✨