check in 3/4/23

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by hxh

hi everyone!

just Lukas jumping in to say, thank you for the support & love with our codes! it means so much to see people enjoying them ^^

but i also want to apologize for the lack of content. i've lost my spark for coding recently, and while i've been slowly picking it up again, distributions may be slow. i think something that happens fairly often to coders is not only burnout but feeling like things have just been done already. i find myself thinking a lot of a layout idea- then i go; "no this has surely been done before".

so i'm just battling those thoughts cause i think coders all do it differently! while my codes aren't very complex, or fancy, i still hope that people like them all the same.

that's it for now. i hope to get some stuff up soon. once again thank you for the support! please continue enjoying them and if you need anything i'm always available at my main gula ! keep yourselves safe and take care of your mental health <3



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