PBFP Pinglist- Get Pinged For My Webcomic!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Vote If You Want To Be On The List

14 Votes Add Me To The Pinglist!

(Reposting my previous Bulletin because I figured it's better to do a poll than commenting-)

Back on my  Art Freebies Thread for PBFP Cameos (always open, feel free to submit OCS!) I suggested doing a pinglist, and I want to ask YOU guys if you also want to be added to the pinglist! I already got it set up, so once you are on this list, you will be pinged on my birthday (March 16th) when PBFP the series is released on Webtoon Canvas + Globalcomix for you all to read! 

If you want to be added, just vote on the poll or leave a comment- PLEASE ONLY VOTE IF YOU WANT TO BE PINGED, I will ping you via this Bulletin and/or on the cameo thread if you comment for that option as well!

Thank you guys for the support, I always want to say time and time again that PBFP wouldn't be possible without the support of people like YOU! I hope you will enjoy the story and adventures of Past Blazes Future Path once it's released and on the road! <3


Looking forward to PBFP!! Also happy early birthday ^_^

Could I be pinged in the cameo thread as well?

Thank you so much, and yes sure you can!