Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by BlueAce

Here you can ask any questions about the species or world!

No such thing as a stupid question so ask away and i will try to answer as accurately and as fast as possible

BUT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS IS A W.I.P SPECIES! not all answers will be in the final product


Hi question! Does everyone get a free MYO when starting? And what kind of traits does that MYO have? (edit: also heads up the 'first free claim' section isn't working </3 it says it isn't visible)

Yes! everyone will be able to claim one free MYO! It was be a common MYO, Sunset is a common Mischief too  :) (but of course you're free to do some tasks here to buy rarer traits here!)

sorry bout the free claim! should be up now ^^

alright! ty for letting me know :D