Thank you. NO SERIOUSLY, I'M ABOUT TO SOUND CHEESY AF- Thank you everyone for you're support and love today on my birthday! I appreciate all the wishes, all the positive comments about PBFP and it's first episode that's it's very debut, the gift art of my blorbos, ALL OF IT! This birthday has been one of the best I have had in a while, and all while in the year I moved to a different state, away from my longtime friends and some of my family, and I cannot invite any of my new friends here in Missouri since our apartment is small, messy af, and we have yet to find a suitable house...

BUT YOU GUYS MADE IT SO GOOD! So amazing! Thanks to people like YOU that PBFP on Webtoon Canvas in a day has reached 200+ views and 30 subscribers, and on Globalcomix also near 200+ views and great stats!

Thank you all again for the love and support, I appreciate you guys so much. SERIOUSLY! You guys are AMAZING, and I wish you all a good day/evening/night , my birthday has been awesome and it couldn't have been this great without you all! I'll be sure to give back via raffles, including you're OCS as cameo's in PBFP, and so much more I hope! <3


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Happy Birthday! ^_^

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