I steal everything UWU

1) Name & prns: Javier, he/him

2) Coffee or tea? (Or other) Both as long as they're cold

3) Anime/manga, yay or nay?

Have u met me?

4) Favorite home style/design? The kind where it's hella pictures and decorations and every inch of the wall is full of something like old Hispanic ladies have.... It's familiar.... Makes me feel good

5) Music genre?

Nu metal

6) Have any pets (or dream pets)?

Mr Buddy my bestie, but when he's long gone(cause I can only love one thing at at time) I want an orange cat UWU

7) Favorite TV show(s) rn? Why?

Chainsaw man cause of course it would be

8) Do you collect anything?

Stickers. When I was younger I used to collect bouncy balls

9) If you could visit any place, where would it be?

Everything looks the same to my eyes so I literally don't care

10) Favorite candy?


11) What is something you want to see more of (representation wise)?

Idk man I would just like something to have representation without little bitch babies with no life crying over it on Twitter

12) Whats your favorite accessory or clothing item?

My chain

13) Favorite type of weather?

Anything under 70 pls I get too hot to fast it hurrrtttsssss I'd rather freeze than be sweaty

14) Current hyperfixation?

None at the moment

15) Do you like the icing on cake/cupcakes? (or sweets)

I don't like cake but yes

16) What are some of your hobbies?

Idk bro I live in a never ending daydream where I don't exist that I've been continuing since I was 5 years old

17) What is something you know too much about?

Idk I used to know a lot of stuff but then I forgot everything

18) Are you a school disliker?

No, I like learning, I just don't like doing work

19) Favorite fruit or veggie(s)? Watermelon

20) What is something you do that most people dont?

Drink coffee to get sleepy


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