Saw an amazing flower today!

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Orchid flickermouse

I can tell people about flowers right? I was just walking along, in the park. The small one, its not as busy and I don't get stared at quite so much...but anyway, just walking along. Kitten following as always. (They're not really a kitten any more but the name has kind of stuck. Also kind of like crocus...) Its a bit cold, I've been told this is 'spring' and the weather is always a bit of a mixed bag. Not that I know what it means if a bag is mxed...

Anyway! So walking along, wishing I had a coat, then Kitten scurries past my feet chasing a bug. They pounce and land right in a patch of white flowers. I bend down to pick up Kitten and this flower smells...LIKE FOOD! Not in a herbivore way (I think I'm an omnivore, does that matter?) but it reminds me of certain things being cooked in the big kitchen. It smells so nice I have to pick some and take them home, see if anyone knows what it is.

The rabbit girl in the coffee shop says its something called 'wild garlic', which is why it smells like food. You can cook with garlic, and you can apparently cook with wild garlic too. The leaves, the flowers, all edible :D


;v; thank you for sharing this, it's so wholesome!