Opening 4 mini chib slots [CLOSED]

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Monoshi

Thought I might as well open a small batch for these guys since i can get them done within the day lol! 

$12 each and payment is upfront thru paypal invoice o7

A lot of details will be simplified!

Please just comment below to claim a slot ^^  I’ll update the post once all slots are claimed!! (if anything looks wonky its cause im on mobile oops)




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Yea ofc!! And it's ok idm doing 2 since you're the last one ^^

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Aye ofc!! Dm whenever your ready :D

Are you able to do object heads like this or is it human only? :9

Yea I can do them!! :D

Oki!! I'll dm u w my paypal info l8r (and other deets)

Aye!! Dm whenever   

Can I claim two?

Of Occam (with mask) and Luxx (hood down)

Sure!! Lmk your paypal email and i’ll send over the invoice o7

I'll send a DM ^^