The Great OC/Universe Questionaire!!

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by smolleaf

Stealing this idea from my friends lol.

I don't expand much on my stuff outside of Discord so ASK AWAY IN THE COMMENTS about literally anything, any characters you want. I'll do my best to answer!



What exactly happened to Cyrus' parents?


It was Rotian who killed them. Cyrus's family has history with Caelestialis, Cyrus's Grandfather having a similar experience with willingly Disc hunting for him. There's a symbol used by Cae to "mark" his underlings, typically given as a charm or a wall plaque. The one Cyrus's grandfather was given turned into a regular heirloom when he retired, and communication with Cae was severed. It was given to Cyrus's parents, which ended up being displayed on the side of their house.

Rotian and Cae have a history, as some people know, and at this point there was mutual hatred between them. Rotian as a whole despised the influence Cae had on others, going about breaking that in all the wrong ways. He killed anyone suspected of being connected to Cae, both Disc and Human alike. He saw Cae's symbol outside the house by chance and, lacking the context, killed whoever was inside. Cyrus and Melody came home as Rotian was still inside, which led to Cyrus's big scar.

It was mainly a big unlucky coincidence for Cyrus's parents, and the perfect opportunity for Cae.

Hypothetically speaking would any physical repercussions happen if I were to kiss Alamania

Not immediately, but it depends on the context.

If it were out of the blue I think he would at least act out in surprise. He doesn't hit hard though.

If he knew you good enough beforehand, or accepted your request to, you'd be fine. You wouldn't be the first he's kissed, he's pretty good with it. He's honestly the type to kiss the back of your hand in greeting lol

That is so cool...this is very good news for me huehuehue

who would win cae vs 1 billion lions go

Lions are not immune to chemical warfare.

There a billion lions. Are you considering the possibility of them forming a wall of corpses against the foul stenches?

Then how will the lions reach him? You will not witness a 50 ft vertical leap from them. Lions do not have projectile weapons.

What if the lions form into a singularity and start firing projectiles at cae? 

I think that's a question for Gravity.

9 Replies

how easy is it to pewdiepie brofist alamania's arm off........

Logistically, I don't think the average human could shatter break it, seeing as he only resembles actual porcelain and is as durable as the common Disc.

That being said, I think at least Cyrus could snap his arm like a twig if he gives his all, and also half the Disc in the main story. Obliterate that twink.

i wish to become a brick like cyrus. does he have a training regiment he goes through or does he just work out like a normal person

He doesn't go to the gym all that often, he's got a bit of workout equipment at home and gets a lot of exercise from hiking through the woods at 3 in the morning too lol. Mind you he's been doing all this for a good 9 years now so it takes a bit to build up his brick-ness. He isn't actively trying to "bulk up", but he does end up working out a lot more than the average person. You kind of have to when you're taking down monsters that could pretty easily rip you apart.

metal af. does he have any specific ways he kills them or does he go full bare hands


You know those myths and such about specific materials or weaponry being the only way to kill monsters? Think of how silver is used on werewolves or vampires.
There's specific materials that affect Disc more than others. As of yet I haven't decided which specifically, but I know Cyrus receives or modifies most of his weaponry from the materials his "patron" gives him. Guns are pretty affective weapons given the right bullets, but require a lot more shots to take down the more powerful ones. He's also got a few close range weapons, like his trusty bat and some pocket knives. When it comes down to it, he can take on weaker ones with his bare hands well enough, but can't exactly kill them like that.

5 Replies