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You know those myths and such about specific materials or weaponry being the only way to kill monsters? Think of how silver is used on werewolves or vampires.
There's specific materials that affect Disc more than others. As of yet I haven't decided which specifically, but I know Cyrus receives or modifies most of his weaponry from the materials his "patron" gives him. Guns are pretty affective weapons given the right bullets, but require a lot more shots to take down the more powerful ones. He's also got a few close range weapons, like his trusty bat and some pocket knives. When it comes down to it, he can take on weaker ones with his bare hands well enough, but can't exactly kill them like that.

OOOH COOL!!! thats flippin sweet actually......... i love cool upgrades to preexisting weapons... how often does he find himself in these disc situations in ur story.... and are there certain... specific ways he deals with these disc.. is there a straight generalization in his pov....

What I'm trying with each sort of "arc" is to make the threat unique. For example, one of the earlier plots involving Matthias and Marshall has Cyrus at least trying to get the plant bitch (Emefed) out of the town and into an area where he can deal with it safely. There's also cases where the Disc in question is possessing someone, so that's an entirely different struggle altogether.

hmm... how do they deal with possession then, if it's an entirely different problem? and is there a certain process for these disc to possess anyone? any differences in how any of the disc react to their human hosts?

Bruno I STG you're asking so much here

Killing a Disc outright is easier, as their physical bodies are easy to access. During possession however, the Disc's body is put into a more incorporeal state, like a ghost, as they're temporarily sharing a physical body with whatever they're possessing. Smarter Disc know this, and often use it to hide amongst humans. The problem for those hunting Disc is that you can't exactly kill other people, and doing so will only force the Disc back into their normal physical state. You need to find a way to get the Disc out of the person's body, the methods of which I haven't entirely set in stone yet (oops), but is most likely similar to exorcisms. 

Processes vary between specific Disc. Shell Disc, with their cores, often can't possess at all, with some notable exceptions (Remorial, who's core is now a "cursed" necklace). Normal Disc can usually possess a human if they simply will it, usually through physical contact of the human's head. Typically, the human's own consciousness will be "put to sleep" in the mind, in a sort of dream state, but if the Disc wills it, the human could stay conscious while not in control of their body. The latter is typically used if the Disc wants to coerce a human into something, or make a point.

For your last question, both humans and Disc are individuals with their own thoughts on each other. Generally, Disc view humans as lesser, as tools or toys to mess around with, as they know the power they can hold over them. Disc who spend more time around humans will sometimes change this mindset to a degree, but generally they each have their own views.

WOAH I SEE!!! This is some life changing lore... i will chew chew chew on this info.... yummy