Migrating Humanoids to New Account

Posted 1 year, 4 days ago by Poodlette


Because I apparently don't have enough TH accounts already haah I've decided to move my humanoids to Jijing. I've honestly been debating this for a while and finally, on a whim, went and made it final.

I've also decided to go by my Chinese name for the new username since I'd like to rebrand a little ig. My humanoids are almost all Chinese/East Asian anyways :p

If you subscribe to this account for my humanoids or genshin OCs, you can find them over Jijing now :)

I've lost interest in my ferals, anthros, and pokemon OCs lately and want to start stepping out of those communities and focus almost entirely on the human OC and world-building community. I still love my ferals and a lot aren't going anywhere! Most are just going on a hiatus and becoming inactive while I try to spark some more excitement for them.

This account is not going anywhere. I'm not deleting, privateing, etc. this account and I will still check in on it regularly. Please continue to credit this account for non-humanoid art and designs!

Thank you for reading this and hopefully I see some of y'all on my new account <3


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